Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tomato, Tamahto

(6/3)  Week 19:  BabyCenter says the babies are about 6" (the size of a large heirloom tomato) from head to rump and weigh about 8.5 ozs.

I'm getting lots of comments about having 'popped out' this week.  We're half-way there if we go with a scheduled delivery at 38 wks!

(6/7) The boys were cozied up to my uterine artery at our doctor appointment today.  The doctor managed to picked up all three of our heartbeats at once.  I'm feeling lots of movement now, and can only imagine what it's going to feel like as they get bigger!

19 wks, 5 days


  1. Oh wow! So do you feel them earlier than you felt Colton?

  2. I started feeling them pretty early on - I think around 14ish weeks. I didn't start feeling C til 18ish weeks. They change positions all the time and sometimes really make my belly poke out there :)
