Monday, November 14, 2011

One Month

(11/8)  We had a pretty lazy day today.  The little boys napped, the big boy watched some TV, and I got some cleaning done.  I love the stage of babyhood when you can run a vacuum in the same room and they remain zonked out. We went over to Sarah's in the afternoon and attempted to go for a walk, but didn't make it all that far. Since we were rapidly losing daylight, we turned around and I Starbucked by car. The little guys look so cute snugged in their sling though.  I'm amazed that it's comfortable, considering J was practically sitting on D's lap. They're usually out within seconds of putting them in there, regardless of who is sitting on who.  C stayed overnight with Jordan (thank you Sarah!), so the little boys and I caught up on some TV and had a pretty quiet evening.  I say pretty quiet, because I'm pretty sure I forgot to decaf my afternoon mocha. J was *awake* at midnight and was ready to be up for a while.  Oops!

C & J 11/10
(11/9) Everyone was needy/clingy/crabby tonight.  I aimed for an early bedtime for everyone and it just resulted in lots more fussiness and not sleeping.  Sigh.  Bedtime is so not my favorite time of the day. 

J 11/10
(11/10) It's 9am and the babies are still peacefully sleeping and I've been awake since 7:30a.  Figures!

D 11/10
C refers to the babies individually as "that baby." And when asked which baby, he either replies with "I don't know" or guesses D.  He's right at least 50% of the time.

Bedtime went much better tonight.  It's definitely easier when Dad is home to help and to let me out of the house for an hour. 

Bitter baby face, part 3
J 11/10
(11/11)  One month old today.  Wow!

I weighed D today out of curiosity: 6.5lbs!  I ran out of clean newborn sleepers today, so put him in a 0-3 month one for 8-12lbs.  He's definitely long enough for it, though it's pretty baggy width-wise.  J is 7 lbs. 'Little' brother is a chow hound.  He must take after Mom.  Ahem.

Nanan & Betty stopped by today for a visit.  Betty bought the store out of diapers.  We should be set for, I don't know, a week. Thank you!!  C went to go play with Jordan, Nana and Sarah.  We were planning to hit the park, but the weather decided not to cooperate. 

J 11/10
(11/12)  Bedtime went really smoothly last night.  The babies went down for the night at 9pm, were up to eat around midnight, again at 4am, and again when I got up at 8am.  Thankfully, they usually wake within 20mins to an hour of each other, eat, and then go right back to sleep. Works for me! I'm more or less asleep for the entire process anyway.

C made sure the babies had enough toys.
D 11/10
(11/13) Heh.  Just when I think I've got them figured out, someone decides to pull an all-nighter.  J was wide awake at 4am and wasn't interested in going back to sleep.  It's a coffee kind of day!

Today the twins were completely out of sync.  One was up and fighting sleep and the other was out, then switch. That and D is very much like an itty-bitty C.  5pm strikes and he must be held, which is fine til I need to do pretty much anything else.  Yay for slings! 

All together now, "Awww!"
C & J 11/12
This is probably the last time the green sleeper will make an appearance. Sorry, Nanan!  I know it's a favorite, but I had to squish J in it this morning.  Sad!  But this also means we get to break into the 0-3 month clothes.

D on the left; 11/13
(11/14) It was a gorgeous, but cold day today!  I escaped for a quick run in the sunshine with Sarah while Dad watched all 3 boys.  They all survived without Mommy!  There may have been wine after everybody went down though.

Trying to share the same thumb; 11/13

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