Monday, December 12, 2011

Two Months

The babies love their big brother! 12/6/11 (D left; J center)
(12/6) Second day back to work (from home) for me.  The babies napped the day away, and big brother made paper airplanes out of my reports.

D 12/11/11
(12/7) Nanan came to watch the little guys while I took C to the dentist.  When we got back, Cathy had come to meet the twins and brought the crew some cute jammies. They look so snuggly - I can't wait for the twins to grow into them!

D left; J right 12/11/11
Nanan ended up staying to play cards with C for a little bit, so I was able to sneak in some work.  And because she was here, you know she had a baby in her arms. 

D 12/11/11
(12/8) Oy.  Not much sleeping was done last night.  Thank goodness we both were off and could sneak in a nap today while the twins finally slept.  We haven't had a night like that in a while.  Shew.

D left; J right 12/11/11
Nanan brought the twins darling outfits for Santa pictures today!  I'll scan it when I'm back in the office in a couple of weeks.  It turned out very cute.

D left; J right 12/11/11
I weighed the boys again today. D is holding at 8.5 lbs and J is 9.5. And I made J laugh today. Both babies are cooing quite a bit and are starting to 'talk back' to us.

D 12/11/11
(12/9) My company's Christmas party was tonight and this was our first night away from the twins.  Nanan stayed at our house to watch the babies and C went to Granddad's.  We figured divide and conquer would be best for the folks.

Wore D out; 12/11/11
(12/10)  I'm happy to report everybody did great!  I had just enough stashed milk to make it through the night, and uh, pretty much replenished the supply over night.  It is much easier to feed babies than get up and deal with the pump in the middle of the night!  And the pump is definitely not as cute.

After returning home, we piled in the car and went to Grandma & Granddad's for cookie and gingerbread house decorating.  Since the cookies were done, I "quality tested" while the babies slept.  Nanan must've worn them out, because they were asleep all evening.  Nanan said she was out the minute she sat down too.

J 12/11/11
(12/11) Happy 2 months, boys! We're planning to put together the gingerbread train this afternoon and have a quiet day at home.

J 12/11/11
(12/12) Busy social day for the boys! We're off to my work and then to Grandma's to visit!

J 12/11/11

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