Monday, May 7, 2012

May 1st-7th

D left; J right
(5/1) Happy May Day!

Sniff, sniff, I put all the 6 month clothing away today and pulled out the 9 month. It's amazing how 9 month clothing makes them look like little boys instead of so babyish. And the stuff *fits* ~ I thought it'd be big on them, but no, not so much. Big boys...

They must be in the middle of a growth spurt. They're eating us out of house and home already. They went through all the milk I had left, the few extras in the freezer plus had solids. Goodness!

(5/2) Busy day once again! Soccer (for C) was apparently exhausting. D fell asleep as soon as I packed him back in the car, stayed asleep when I stopped at the grocery store (got him out & put him back in) AND kept sleeping right through a diaper change at home before I laid him down for the rest of his nap. He stayed asleep until about 2:15p, a good two hours after Nanan had arrived.

(5/3) The twins spent the day with Dad today while I worked. I have been running on fumes lately, so bailed on Zumba and took the opportunity to have a quiet evening at home with my guys. C is off at Nanan's house tonight, getting some last minute Nanan time before he is off on his adventure with Oma & Opa.

(5/4) The little boys are at Sarah's today and the big boy will return from an overnight with Nanan this evening. The twins did great - they took long naps and Sarah even managed to get all the babies sleeping at once.  Woot!  But then they all woke up wanting food at the same time too.  Can't win.

We stayed for a lovely dinner and came home totally tuckered out and ready for bed. 

(5/5) We said bon voyage to C today. He will be travelling with Oma & Opa this month to visit family. I already miss him.

I wish I had gotten this on video, but Dad said, "But we still have two left!" and J cackled.  LOL

(5/6)  Quiet day today.  The boys stayed home with Dad during the morning while I was out running and then Nanan came to watch them while we went to Justin & Lisa's house-warming.  It was such a beautiful day today - can't wait for more like it!

Both boys are waving their hands now.  It's so cute!  I'm trying to remember to use some basic signs with them now and their hand waving is a perfect "yes."  Both boys are starting to scoot too. I put them down in one place and they end up about 4-5' away.  Neither is crawling yet, but it's just a matter of time.

Dad noticed that both of J's top teeth are just below the gum surface, due to come in any time now.  Yeep!

(5/7)  Oy.  Rough night. Can't wait til lunch naptime! 

Little boys are with their dad today while I'm at work. Hope they have a good day!

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