Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 17th-23rd

(12/17) Work day for Dad and I was off with the kids.  The big boys went to school and the littles and I had a lazy day.  

(12/18) I was off today because poor Bridger caught the stomach bug that's been going around.  We holed up and watched Disney movies all day and/or read.  It wasn't what I had planned for the day, but it was what it was.

(12/19) I was thrilled to go back to work today ~ I have so much left to do and just haven't had time to go do it!  I got some of my shopping done today and hopefully will finish up tomorrow at lunch. C brought home all his Christmas projects from school.  So cute!

(12/20) It snowed today ~ Everett got 1-2".  I went to work only to get called home because J was just miserable.  I stopped on the way to buy a new thermometer and watched his temp spike multiple times during the day.  It's almost better not knowing... ugh.  He ate some lunch and felt a little better before nap, and then had another fever spike in the afternoon.  Poor buddy.  This sickness is the pits.  And while I would never wish my kids ill, I am so glad I have the kind of job that will let me work from home when they are sick, and that I got to see the big kid and puppers play out in the snow during a quick break!

(12/21) We had hockey this morning, and C was a *bear*, to put it mildly.  He got it together enough to earn his way back to going to Nana's for gingerbread cookies.  I checked J's temp late last night and it was normal, and he slept in this morning.  When I went in, he was his cheerful self.  Yay!  After hockey, we headed over to Nana's (Sarah's mom's) to make cookies.  My plan was for the littles to sleep on the way there, so I left my playpen at home.  Of course they didn't sleep, but were happy little munchkins until J fell off a chair and just lost it.  I put him in one of Sarah's playpens upstairs and he was out pretty quick.  D played and played and played. He spent time in the nook with the cash register, did some drawing, made some cookies, played with the lights and did so well right up until it was time to go and he fell off a bench and lost it. Twas the theme of the day! I had a lovely time and it was so nice to just sit and visit with everyone without hovering over the kids.

(12/22) Shew, what a day.  I woke up sick-sick-sick.  Yuck.  I couldn't even drink coffee.  You know it's bad when I can't even handle the smell.  I slept a lot, and Dad went to take the boys for haircuts, and then went out again to do some shopping, but I had to call him back because I was so miserable.  I felt much better around dinnertime and was finally able to get out and finish my shopping!  Now to wrap everything... Wee.

(12/23) Day off with Dad & the boys. I hope to get together with Sarah and have a wrapping party, but I'm not sure she'll want to be anywhere near me.

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