Monday, April 21, 2014

April 15th-21st

(4/15) Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kids.  J has gotten through all my devices to keep him from stripping at night, so I've started duct-taping the tabs of his diaper together.  I've tried snap covers, I've tried putting them on backwards, I've tried the snap covers on backward. Nope.  This child!!

(4/16) Day off for Mama and work day for Dad.  Nanan came to watch the twinsies while I worked in C's classroom. After class, I came home and made lunch for everybody and put the kiddos down for a nap.  Nanan headed home and then we collected C from school and went to Granddad's for egg decorating.  C & J really got into it, while D was just a madman and was all over and into everything.  When we were done coloring the eggs, I tried to putting on a movie to see if we could calm down, but it didn't work so well.  Finally I just packed everyone on home, gave the boys a bath and while I was downstairs grabbing jammies, they got into both the coffee grounds in the recycle AND the peanut butter. AND J had removed his diaper.  I emailed their dad and said if there's pb on his butt, it's his own darn fault.

(4/17)  Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos.  After I got home from work, the big boys headed to hockey and the littles and I watched Cars for a bit and then I put them to bed.  Love snuggin' with my kiddos!

(4/18) Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kiddos.  She put the twins down a little early to hopefully squeeze in a nap before I came to collect them.  She didn't think J slept, since there was an awful lot of talking.  I warned Grandma & Granddad that he might be tired, but he made it until about 8:30p before zonking.  C had a kids' play this evening and I went to a movie with the book club gang.  I loved it, and it was nice to get out to play!

 (4/19) Lazyish morning home with the kiddos.  They actually slept in a little (8a) ~ so nice!  I packed the boys up in the car so we could go to the library and the park, but unfortunately it began to pour while we were at the library, so we made a run to the store instead and called it good after collecting our books.  I put the littles down for a nap and failed to respond right away when D was hollering about J taking his diaper off and went up to two diaperless boys and two disgusting cribs.  GROSS.  I was so irritated and asked J if he would always-always keep his diaper on and he responded with, "No, no always. No lub you!"  BRAT!  It was a long night of going up there and re-clothing him.  And I was totally tweaked at 1:30am when he was screaming because he was cold.  Go figure!  It's a phase... it's a phase... it's a phase.

(4/20) Happy Easter!  We went to brunch at Grandma & Grandma's, and totally lucked out with the weather so we could hunt outside! J popped those suckers open in seconds and kept walking by his brothers and stealing their eggs when they weren't looking.  We sugared them up plenty and stuffed them full of delicious food.  Only, we wore ourselves out an decided to take the littles home for a nap. I went out searching for my Fitbit, which jumped off my belt this morning, but didn't have any luck.  Sigh.  After nap, we had a delicious dinner of pasta salad and artichokes.  D manages to get every bit off the leaf by really chewing it.  And C without front teeth, has to come up with unconventional ways to eat his!   After dinner and bath, we settled in for another long night of continuously going up to put J's clothes and diaper back on.  I'm not a fan of this stage *AT ALL*.

(4/21) Monday-Monday... la-la, la, la-la.  Work day for me, C is at school, and Dad has the kiddos.

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