Monday, June 16, 2014

June 10th-16th

Father's Day gift from C
(6/10) Work day for Dad & me, and Kathy had the kiddos.  Dad texted when I was home to see if we could swing an extra kid for the night.  Oh sure.  He arrived after dinner, and C was unusually tired and didn't want to run off and play Nerf right away.  I'm sure they'll be up early to play tomorrow!

Dear Dad you are special because you give me
allowance. Love Colton
(6/11) Work day for Dad, I had the kiddos, and C had school.  Our extra kiddo was supposed to be picked up by 11a, but there was a whole lot of confusion at the desk and agents going every which way.  After a lot of phone calls, he was finally picked up. And then they called a whopping 8 minutes later to see if we could take him again.  They found a place for him, but sheesh, I felt bad about the shuffle! We had a mini preschool reunion at the park and I had fun, even if I only got to talk in 5 second bursts while I was trying to keep an eye on the twins.  It was great to see everyone!  That tuckered everyone out and the boys were totally done by dinnertime and didn't  even protest going to bed.

(6/12) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  Dad called me and let me know we were getting a pair of sisters in care for the long-term soon. Oh girl(s)!  I came home for hockey and stayed with the twins while Dad took C to hockey.  He came home a schweaty boy.  After everybody went to bed, Dad and I actually got to catch up on some TV we like.  And it didn't involve EVERYTHING BEING AWESOME!

(6/13) Donuts with Dad today for C at school. I was off today so I could go on field trip with C's class.  Kathy watched the twinsies for us after Dad went to work.  For our trip, we went to the Lively Property.  Really pretty!  Got to go on a hike, release some salmon, and check out the museum.  Our bus home didn't start, so they ended up sending a replacement.  After we picked up the twinsies, we went to the library because I had a book on hold. The boys love it there.

(6/14) Foster kiddo 1 of 2 arrived this morning with her sister to tour the house.  She's excited to help set up for her sister's arrival.  We stopped at the scrap-book store to get them albums to decorate during the twins' nap.  The twinsies slept quite a long time.  The bigs watched some TV and worked on their albums, and C made bracelets.  After dinner, the bigs went out to play street hockey and ended up attracting a couple of neighborhood kids to come play too.  Play ended abruptly with an injury, and after that was taken care of, they radically switched gears and made bracelets out in the driveway.  LOL!  Bedtime rolled around and everyone gradually turned in.  Busy day!

Little rainy today
(6/15)  Happy Father's Day!  I looked at Dad last night and said, "Five kids.  Happy Father's Day!"  So glad we can open our home to kiddos in need!   Today Dad cooked us Dutch Babies, as they are his forte.  After breakfast we played and Dad went to work on assembling a dresser.  I decided to take all the kids to Starbucks, and to the park, so we would be out of Dad's hair, but it started to sprinkle once we got there.  Then as soon as our drinks were ordered, it opened up and poured.  I called Dad to please come fetch us, and thankfully by the time he got there it had settled back into a steady drizzle, and we were able to load up kiddos and not get soaked to the bone. We headed back home for lunch and the twins' nap.  And after nap, we went over to Granddad's for dinner.  D inhaled strawberries and other munchies (not to mention he also had strawberries at the previous 2 meals). And well, they didn't sit well, and up they came. He ended up eating a couple Saltines while the rest of us had dinner, since that was all he could seem to keep down.  No temp or anything. Poor bubba.   We came home earlier than we normally would have, and he was his chipper self in the bath and at bedtime.  Hope it was just a fluke!  C was given an electric train set for his birthday in a few weeks and he had it quickly assembled without any of our help.  Smart kiddo!

D feeling the rain
(6/16) Busy day today, and I'm at work for it. Pout.  Our foster kiddo's sister arrives today to stay with us too. Weeeeeeeeeee, madness!

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