Monday, March 30, 2015

It's All a Blur

D: I bonked the Deedles.
Me: Oh dear. Will the Deedles be okay?
D: Yeah.

D: I need to go to Pocano (Camano)!  To the beach!  With my sharps (shovels)!

C: Someone sailed this wood across the ocean just a thousand-fifty years ago.

D: I need the wipe!
Me: A wipe?  Why?
D: I need the wipe one to color right there!
Me: White.  Got it.

Me: Did you have fun at Sarah's?
D: I ate noodles and carrots and go outside and then to the gym!
Me: Did you have sleeps at Sarah's?
D: Shhhh!

(3/24) Work day for Dad & me,, and Sarah had the boys.  Even though I went straight home after work, it still only gives me an hour or so with the littles before they go down.  Tuesdays are always such a blur.

(3/25) Today was C's conference, so Nanan came early to watch the kiddos while I went to that.  He's doing well in school and seems to be having a great year.  The teen had an appointment with her lawyer after I got home, and that was rough, to say the least.  I thought we also had counseling, so we bolted out the door only to discover it wasn't this week, but next. It did give me time to take her out for coffee and talk.  Big changes coming up and I handled them all poorly.  Yaaaaay.

(3/26) Today totally blew up too.  Sarah's kiddo was sick, so she couldn't watch the boys when Dad left for work. Thankfully, Grandma could though.  I managed to get the teen a counseling appointment so left early from work to grab her from school and go to that.  Then we followed up therapy with some retail therapy and chocolate, because hello? Necessary. Then home to spend the rest of the afternoon in the sun.

(3/27) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos. He took us out for a sushi dinner at one of our favorite haunts afterward.  We ran the teen over to a friend's house and then had movie night back at the house.  C watched Guardians of the Galaxy and I got to see Gone Girl once he had gone to bed. And Dad actually hid downstairs to write, which he hasn't done in a long time.  Good schtuff all around.

(3/28) I took the men up to Camano to meet Nanan and go to the beach this morning.  We stopped by Toys R Us on the way out and grabbed some new sand toys, as most of our toys have fallen victim to the Cass-puppy. We grabbed a picnic lunch and sat out in the sunshine to eat.  We spent a really nice afternoon cruising around the beach.  Dad took the the teenager to Comicon today where she got to take a picture with Jewel Staite (from Firefly). She dressed as Fiona from AdventureTime and was asked to dance up on-stage (blackmail!) and for pictures. Sounds like they had a very fun time!  The boys requested "macanoni & hot dogs" (gag!) for dinner, so I let them have at it.  They also played outside in their "base" for a bit before I had them come in.  The little row boat + the pool + the woodpile make an excellent base, apparently.

(3/29) Fun morning ~ Dad made us a fancy breakfast of Dutch Babies and D put away 6 links of "hot dog" (sausage).  We had the artist for Dad's webcomic, The Sorcerer's, over and set the teen about actually reading the comic as homework.  Mid-morning, she and I discovered the local clothes closet was open, so dashed out to see what they had for a bit. She scored a few cute things, and although it was kinda small, it was worth the trip.  Once we got back, I threw lunch at the boys and then put them down for a nap.  Dad ran the teen over to a friend's house on his way to work and I scored some quiet time to read.  We got our chores done when the littles got up and then ran out to fetch the teen.  The littles were sure on a tear this evening and I think I may have lost the last shred of my sanity.  I was ever so glad when bedtime rolled around and I could shut off their light.  Shew!

(3/30) How is it the 30th of March?  Seriously?  Ugh.  Back to work with Dad and me today.  Bigs are going with the grands to the Pacific Science Center and the littles are headed to Sarah's.  Hope everyone has a good day!

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