Monday, April 13, 2015

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Dad: JJ, are you being a butt?
J: Yes, I butt!

Me: The boys like the gym.
D: And I like the Starbucks! And the Sarah. And Jamie. And of course, Jordan.

Me: You need to go brush your teeth.
C: And give Mom a noogie!
Me: No...
C: What? It's on my daily to-do list!

D: I need hexagon kingcomers!  (cucumbers)

J: I play narbles!  (marbles)

S: Where's Dad?
Me: At the gym.
S: Dad? At the gym? 
Me: Yes, I know. He joined a gym!
S: I'm so confused. 

The boys love the 'zeum!
D: JJ wants to get off.
(4/7) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the kidlets.  She met me at the gym after work and I caught the last 40 minutes of Pump before heading home.  Such a nice way to end the day!  

(4/8) Work day for Dad, and I had the kids.  I took the littles to the "zeum" (children's museum) and then brought them home for lunch and a quick nap rest.  I got happily hollering twins up so we could go get C, and then we headed to a play date at the lake with some old friends from C's preschool.  It was bright and sunny, and turned out to be perfect weather for it.  I didn't bring swim stuff, but probably should have, or at least a change of clothes for them all.  I just monitored the boys so they didn't get too wet as they played.  We stayed for a few hours and then I rounded them up and took them all home.  I didn't hear a peep from the twins after I put them down for the night and they were sound asleep when C went up, which is a rarity for sure.

(4/9)  Work day for Dad and me, school for the bigs, and Sarah's for the littles.  I had a baby shower at work to go to, and ended up getting off a little early.  I raced over to Sarah's to grab the kids and made it to the gym for the last 40 minutes of Zumba.  Dinner was a little late tonight because of it, and the conversation in the car was pretty funny.  J wanted trail mix, and D kept saying "No snacks! I need dinner. I hungry. I need dinner." allthewayhome.  Yes, D, I know.  Sorry, bud.

(4/10) Work day for me & Dad had the kids.  Dad got left with a grumpy, cooped up teenager since someone got home way past curfew last night.  He took the kids to the library so the teen had something to read at least. She's hooked on Harry Potter now, which they're reading in class, and really wants to go to Hogwarts. She and I watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tonight and she now knows the importance of always carrying your towel. The big boys went to go see playoff hockey and we won 5-3.  Way to go, Tips!

(4/11) I spent a lovely day with my mom today.  We went painting at the Sip Dip n Doodle to celebrate her birthday and had the place to ourselves. Then we walked over and had lunch at Tablas Woodstone.  And then finally coffee to cap off the day.  After we got home, the gaming group had mostly arrived.  The teen and I went to a movie since the boys had gone out the previous night.  We went to see Insurgent.  I really liked it, though I totally don't remember the book enough to compare and am feeling the need to re-read it.  

(4/12) Today sure fizzled out. It started strong with a gym trip for Dad & me. We had a beach trip planned for the afternoon, but as the afternoon creeped along, it got darker and colder.  Add to that, spending four hours on homework, and having yet another argument, and my patience was fried.  Marathons of the homework variety are not my thing, and are about as exhausting.  The twins conked hard and I had to wake DD at 5pm, so all-in-all, it was probably good that we stayed home today.  The kiddos played "narbles" not-so-quietly while I got dinner together and then wanted to keep playing during dinner and/or be all all done in two bites, so they could go back to playing. Then it was on to bath / bed / pick-up that makes up our normal Sunday routine.

(4/13) Back to work and school with us today.  Busy week on tap.  Helmet on & .... GO.  

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