Monday, July 13, 2015

A River Runs Through It

D: I am windy!

J: I see the fire!  I eat Colton's fire?
(candle from C's cake)


Me: You are making me very grumpy!
D: You are making me busy!

Me: What would you like for breakfast?
C: I'm gonna make my own breakfast!
Me: What are you going to make?
C: Probably some type of egg meal... Mom, can you hard boil our eggs?

(7/7) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos.  We planned to have a small herd of boys over for C's birthday this evening, but plans got jumbled and we only ended up with one friend.  Dad bought enough pizza to feed an army though, so at least dinner was delicious! The boys played and played and had a good time, as they usually do together.  Bedtime for the twins is *finally* getting easier. It's been taking 30-45 minutes, which isn't so bad.  No more 3 hour marathons, please kiddos.

(7/8)  Eight.  Let me say that again... EIGHT.  Happy birthday, C!  We love you so very much! I asked the big boys what they'd like for breakfast, and C assured me that he was going to make his own breakfast.  You know, because 8 year olds do that kind of thing.  But then they asked me to cook their eggs.  LOL!  They wanted them over-easy, as it turned out.  I kicked us all outside to play/work in the yard and we were out there til Nana came to get Jor.  She brought C a very cool kite!  And then suggested we fly it at the park out by the marina.  We'll definitely have to go test it out!

(7/9) Work day for Dad & me, and super early day for the kiddos.  I had to wake them all and have them at Sarah's house before 6:30a.  They were grouchy disasters all day, and J even fell asleep in time out.  Definitely nap time.  Dad grabbed them after work, and then sat with them as they fell asleep so I could go walking with Sarah.

(7/10) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the kiddos.  I let them wake up and eat breakfast while I worked, and then ran them over to Sarah's so they weren't quite so out of sorts today, and it made for a more peaceful morning.  Nanan picked C up early and took him to Build-a-Bear for his birthday. He made a very cute bear!  They returned and then Nanan stayed so Dad & I could go on a date.  Huzzah date night!

Toddlering is hard
Captain Spills EVERYTHING
(7/11) This morning we had a contractor out to look at our front entry to see what we might be looking at to repair a soggy beam.  Way more than we're wanting to spend right now, so we've decided to put the house hunting on hold.  But the house is clean and spruced up, so it's not all bad news.  I took my frustration out by putting in the privacy screen along our formerly ivy-covered fence. It looks really nice back there now!  I still have some work to do, but that can keep me busy on another day.  The littles played outside for hours and came in absolutely filthy. I even pre-washed them, and they still required a change of water come bath time.  Nanan was out for most of the day and ran C in to the pet store to pick up a new fish for his tank.  He came home with 2 little neon tetras, which he's named DD and JJ.  Wonder where he got that idea?

J: it's an upside down toilet!
(7/12) After a grumpy morning (early birdies + spills and all prior to coffee!), we packed up and headed for our favorite river for a picnic with friends.  We took the dogs on a trial run to see how they might fare when camping.  Poor Moosey was very stressed and kept returning to the van.  Cass had a great time though, and we wore them + the kiddos out! I fell off the rock bridge both coming and going because I'm talented like that.  And so the mom that was sure to pack a change of clothes for all the kiddos was without a change herself.  Argh.  After we got home, I got to go shopping all by myself, which is always awesome, and Dad cooked us up quite the feast of surf & turf.  I rounded off the evening with a walk to the Bux with Sarah.  Was gud!

(7/13) Work day for me and Daddo has the kidlets.  J was already awake and opening his door before 6:30 this morning.  I slid him the tub of Legos and hoped he'd go play quietly so the rest of the house could sleep.  Not sure how long that lasted.

C: See? It pays to work around the house!

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