Monday, September 7, 2015

The Doc Is In

D: Daddy, my butt is falling off.  I need a fluffy, new diaper.

D: I need water after all, Daddy.  I need it after all.
"After all" is his new expression as of late.    

C: This is the kind of cheese I like.
Me: Good ol American cheese.
C: No, it tastes different than the cheese we buy.
Me: Yeah, it's extra processed.
C: Can we buy more of it?
Me: ...

D: Mama, there's burps in my bed.
Uh-oh. D got sick in the night.

D: Daddy has pokies (stubble) for I can scratch my itchies!  Mama, you have no pokies because you're a grail (girl)!  *commence horrified fake cry*

(9/1) Poor Deedles is still feeling crummy, so I kept him home again today.  We were out of everything the boys wanted to eat for breakfast, and it was just a I high-tailed it outta there as soon as Dad got home.

(9/2) Hallelujah! D is feeling better, and we made it out the door to the gym this morning.  We had a pretty low-key day.  Watched a lot of Doc McStuffins, and I put on Despicable Me when I couldn't stand to hear "The doc is in" one more time.  I attended preschool orientation tonight.  They start school soon.  Littles are not so little anymore.  Sniff.

(9/3) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos.  He took the twins out shopping for appliances, and they got to drive the flat bed cart around.  So basically, best day ever!  I got home in time to kiss sleepy twin heads as they drifted off.

(9/4) Worked from home today.  The twins were up bright and squirrelly today and came down saying I didn't wait for the green light (they have a stoplight clock that turns green when they can come out).  I turned them over to Dad and went downstairs to work.  Dad made homemade ramen tonight and it was delicious!

(9/5) How I've missed our Starbucks runs! I ran out to meet Sarah and we circled around for coffee and took the long way home.  I am loving the almost fallish weather too, and am ready to break out the long sleeves.  I rented Home for the kids tonight, and Dad too, since he hadn't seen it.  Such a cute movie.

(9/6) Today was pretty gloomy, so we decided to stay in and watch the "new movie" (the rental from last night).  That is until we all got cabin fever and were barking at each other.  I decided to take the boys out to the museum to burn off some steam.  C was "soooo bored" while we were there, and followed me around like a lost puppy.  The littles had fun though, and we managed to last about 1.5 hours.

(9/7) Happy Labor Day!  Granddad came over to hang with the boys so I could join Grandma & Shannon for shoe shopping at our favorite haunt (DSW).  Not that I needed more shoes, but I needed more shoes. We had a fun time shopping, and it was so nice to visit without chasing after helping hands that point out "CUTE!" things and relocate them around the store. The twins were wired for sound tonight, and crashed within minutes of going up to bed. Shew.

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