Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Shadow Knows

Me: What do you hear inside the shell?
D: The bed!
J: I just heard the sand.

D: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME! *stomps off*

J: I kiss you not, because you're not grumpy.

D: Don't put egg on your bagel. That just makes tuna fish, and I don't like that.

Me: I expect some GOOD behavior out of you, Mr. D.
D: I am having a 'havior!

Me: What was your favorite thing at the Reptile Zoo?
J: Mom, there just weren't any penguins.
Me: I know, buddy.  Sorry.

Guest appearance by a kiddo at preschool ~
E: I need to listen to your heart.
E: *listens intently and then considers*
E: How bout a diagnosis? You have muhaha-tosis.

(1/25) Ugh. I just love it when I go upstairs to get the boys up to find puke all over the bed.  Poor Deedles.  We (obviously) stayed home from school/work.  D got a little bit better today, only to get worse tonight.  So I called out for tomorrow too.  C turned ghostly pale and started not feeling well too tonight, so we kept him home from hockey.  Hate-hate-hate the intestinal bugs!

(1/26) D woke up feeling better today, but JJ held his stomach all morning.  J is super cuddly, especially when sick... so I'll probably be the next one down with this crud.

(1/27) All the boys made it in to school today!  We came home and watched Despicable Me again after preschool. J's new favorite. He does NOT like the "new Minions," but I have a feeling we'll be watching that one on repeat soon.

(1/28) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  It was so nice to be back at work, even if only for a day.  I love my children, but dang, cabin fever is not my thing.

(1/29) Work from home day for me, and Dad had the boys.  After 72 days, our truck is FINALLY back.  So, so, so thankful for the loan of a SUV from friends.  We would've been up a creek without it!  It still needs to go back in for an alignment... but we have it, and bonus: it still smells like new truck!

(1/30) Hockey day ~  C's game was down in Tacoma this morning.  They lost the first game, but Dad stopped counting goals after 10 on the second.  JJ made huge progress on the ice today!  He got stuck out in the middle of the ice, using a cone to skate, when practice ended and had to skate all the way to the door.  He was crying the whole time, and he'll tell you he had a bad skate... but he was great & he made it!  Deedles sat on the bench much of today. He made an effort, got dressed, and there were no tears, so we'll call it a win.

(1/31) Lazy day for me with my peeps.  We laid low until it was time to go to the hockey game this afternoon.  It was Star Wars night at the rink.  Fantastic costumes out and about.  And I had to laugh at the Storm Trooper that fired the first shot of the t-shirt cannon into the net, and then misfired all the rest.  Thanks to Nanan for watching the littles while we went out!

(2/1) We went on a field trip to the Reptile Zoo today with the littles' preschool.  C didn't have school today and got to tag along, and I took the day off work.  The boys had a great time ~ they got to pet an iguana, a tortoise, and hold a boa.  J was really looking forward to seeing the penguins.  I better take him to the other zoo soon.  And I had to follow D around and make sure he didn't open any enclosures, or turn off any lights....because Deedle.  D bought an egg, which is supposed to hatch with a "reptile" (toy) anywhere from 2-72hrs. He couldn't leave the egg alone though, so I'm worried it might not hatch... We'll see.

(2/2) Work and school for all of us. Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring.  Hooray!

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