Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy November!

D: Happy November!
Amanda: Three weeks in ๐Ÿ˜‚

(eating a box of Nerds): Look, I'm eating Dad!

C grumbling at D ~
C: I have to listen to you every day!  Can't I get a break?!

D: Is Amanda one of your moms?
Me: No, Nanan and Grandma are my moms.
D: And Sarah!

J: I just want to be president.
Me: You sure can be.

D: I want someone else to be president.
Me: High five.

Dad: We probably shouldn't turn on the election coverage until after the twins go to bed.
C: Why not?
Dad: Because Mom's gonna yell at the TV.
You know I'm part of the family when I coach the country & sports teams from the couch.

J (putting on his shoes on the other side of the closed, locked bathroom door): Is this the right way?

C: What are we having for dinner tonight?
Dad: Tacos.
D: You mean it's Taco Monday?
Dad: Yup.
D: I don't like that!
Dad: You're complaining about Taco Monday?
D: Yeah! That's just weird! I only want Taco Tuesday!

(11/1) So candy pairs well with coffee... and with breakfast... and lunch... I need an intervention!  Dad raided the Spirit of Halloween store this afternoon, and now we have new decorations for next year.  Halloween in our new house was really fun!

(11/2) Nanan came and watched the twins for me so I could go on a field trip with C.  We went to Brightwater (wastewater treatment plant).  C was in a foul mood throughout, but managed to get into the engineering portion where they had to devise a solution to rain runoff. The weather was pretty awful, and we were definitely ready to bring our soggy selves home!

(11/3) Today was just plain hard for a myriad of reasons.  We had work and school between us, and none of it went well.  I hope tomorrow is better.

(11/4) Work from home day for me, and Dad had the boys.  He took the twins out to terrorize several furniture stores looking for a new dining set. We settled on a set with a bench on one side and three matching chairs for the breakfast bar, so the kiddos no longer have to fight over the two from our old set. I had book club this evening with the ladies, and enjoyed myself.

(11/5) Sarah and I went on a lovely walk in the rain before the twins' hockey practice this morning. Grandma and Granddad stopped by after with early Xmas prezzies of clothes, jammies, and winter gear.  J ran up and put his new jammies on straight away.  It was pretty cute!  We had our new dining set delivered, and then Marc came over to help us break it in with board games this evening.

(11/6) DST ended, and everyone was up early. Naturally. Sarah and her boys stopped by mid-morning while we were all still in our jammies. They asked if C could come out, and I said sure.  The twins were completely oblivious to the whole exchange, and were playing so nicely together upstairs that they had no clue he was gone until I called them for lunch.  After lunch, we headed over to Sarah's to ride bikes.  I ended up leaving C there and took the twins at home so I could then head up to Nanan's to help her move some furniture.  On the way home, while running errands, I ended up running into Michaels where there was a sale on shadowboxes.  I finally got the boys' first jerseys up and framed!

D's "apparently very persony ship"
C's origami display case
(11/7) School and work day for all of us today.  C was finally cleared to get back on the ice.  He came home happy, so I am glad for him.

(11/8) Election Day started out festive.  I had lunch with a couple of co-workers, and this afternoon my office did up blue and red margaritas.  We watched the election coverage, and I stayed up far later than I probably should have. But I have tomorrow off, so...

(11/9) Work day for Dad and my work day in the twins' classroom.  We watched HRC's concession speech (sob!) and hit the gym before preschool today.  I'm really impressed with the twins' handwriting ~ they have been working really diligently on printing their names.

(11/10) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the kiddos.  C had hockey tonight, so Dad dropped the twinsies with me at the gym on the way.  I ran into Sarah while gymming, and we had a chance to gab for a bit before she had to leave.

(11/11) Veterans Day ~ The boys were off from school today, and I worked from home.  Dad ran out and picked up the teenager for the night.  She came with me to a parent ed class this evening, and came away from that saying she was now ready for kindergarten.  LOL!  C went with Nanan to see a production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at the Seattle Children's Theatre.  Bet it was great!

(11/12) Busy day for us!  We took the twinsies to hockey this morning.  J has improved so much that he is now doing rotations with the group.  D is still getting a lot of one-on-one skating time with the beginner coaches, and doesn't seem to be as interested in playing as J. Luckily the rain let up after practice because we had our family pictures taken out at North Creek Park.  I'm excited to see how they came out!  After pictures, we went home for grilled cheese sammiches and soup.  I ran the teenager back, and then came home and passed out for a few hours.  C had an evening hockey game, followed by a team banquet.  Since it was so late, I stayed behind with the twinsies.  Sarah came over and we watched Bad Moms and felt that movie through and through!

(11/13) Early, and grumbly start to our day for the boys and me.  C had a full-ice practice this morning and adamantly insisted that he didn't want to go, and that I had "ruined his whole lazy day!"  I did take the boys to Frost to appease some of the grouchiness, and we ran into one of C's teammates there.  The rest of our day was pretty chill, and far less grumpy!

(11/14) Happy Monday!  It's a work and school kind of day for all of us.  C has hockey this afternoon too.

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