Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Tortures!

Me: Do you think Jimmy will like the new lights?
D: Not the red ones.  The red ones are lava, but the green ones are grass.  So he will like the grass ones. 

J: I'm busy!  Dad's doing me a flavor!

C: Santa is kinda creepy.  He breaks into houses with a crowbar!

Dad: I don't want you breaking things, or hurting your brothers, or yourself.
D: That happens sometimes.  
Dad: Thanks, Gir.

D: S-E-A-S-O-N-upsidedown i!  (explanation point)

Me: I am going to be really sad if we have to leave early because of poor behavior at the Nutcracker. I really need you to have your listening ears on today, boys.
D: But my curtain just takes them!
J: Here, D, here you go.  You can have one of mine.

Me: What was your favorite part of the Nutcracker?
J: The Nutcracker fight!
D: The ninjas!  (the Arabian dance)

D: Candy canes are disgusting!
Me: You just ate one that you got from Santa, and you liked it.
D: No, the ones for decorations are yucky to eat!

Me: Did you know that when coal is under a lot of pressure, over a long period of time, that it becomes a diamond?
C: So basically Santa's giving us the chance to become rich?

J: Be nice to the kitty. If you be mean, he will eat you.

Lady at the store: Oh how cute! Are they twins? How old?
D: I'm the same age as my brother J. My brother C is 9, and he's a creeper!

D: Do you got your eggnog mixed with Americano?

D: Did you got marshmallows on Dad's list? And pizza, because I like pizza!

No snow over night.... 
C: Are you gonna call the office to see if there's school today?

C: Can you leave the controllers down?
Me: Yeah, you've had a really good week.
C: Which means I still have somewhere to go.
Me: Yep, for you and a friend. We'll have to pick something soon.
C: I'm gonna pick London. Because that's where my favorite YouTuber is from. Is that okay?
Me: London, eh? Sounds fun.

D (as the news comes on): What's going on with Donald Trump?

C: Tomorrow I get to open the thing next to the green circle thing. What are they called? The green donut! (a wreath)

J: I love you so so hard, Mom. An adult told me so. Rosie's mom did.

D: Can I have more breakfast? Like waffles?
Me: Ugh, I don't wanna cook waffles...
D: But how are we gonna get muscles?

D: In my old name, there are 3 letters. In my new name, there are 6.
Me: What is your new name?
D: Denton.
Me: What was your old name?
D: Baby Denton.

(11/29) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys. I'm fighting a cold, so came home and pretty much collapsed.

(11/30) Day off for me, and my day to work in the twins' classroom.  C's teacher called to tell me what a fantastic week he has had.  I hope the trend continues.  He's been struggling, so this was wonderful news to hear!  The twins and I picked up stocking holders today and put up our Christmas bells. It's starting to look pretty festive in here!

(12/1) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys.  Today is Oma's birthday, and the twins and I gave her a call this evening. D wanted to go over and visit too.  I wish!

(12/2) Work from home day for me, and day off for Dad.  Dad and C went to the Tips game this evening, and I stayed home with the twinadoes. After they went to bed, I got my book finished for book club on Friday.

C is #11 white
(12/3) The twinsies had practice this morning.  For once we didn't have a lot to do today, so had a lovely lazy day at home.

(12/4) C had a 7am combined team, full-ice scrimmage today.  I got everyone up and out the door, and we arrived even before coffee was open.  GAH!  C's "team" lost, but it wasn't an official game, so no biggie.  We came home and the boys dove into screen time, and I went back to sleep!

(12/5) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the twins. Snow was predicted today, and C was very upset that our local news wasn't talking about our district. The reason? Because there wasn't any snow.  I sent a very disappointed boy off to school today. The littles had their 5 year old checkup after school today.  D is 44" 43 lbs, J is 45.5" and 46 lbs. They're getting so big!

(12/6) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the kiddos.  My work had a "grandmother shower" for one of the ladies at work who has made blankets for all of my boys.  I took pictures in of my boys with her blankets in action.  It was really sweet.

(12/7) Day off for me, and my day to work in the twins' classroom.  I was assigned the courtyard today, and shivered through my shift.  We just had to stop for coffee after school. Had to.

520 Bridge
(12/8) Work day for Dad & me.  My company's holiday party was this evening.  We went on a cruise around Lake Washington and looked at lights.  So fun!  The boat was enormous!  The grandparents came to watch the twinsies tonight while Dad took C to hockey.  They happened to bring the sleds over, since snow was in the forecast.  And lucky thing...

(12/9) We woke up to about 2" of snow today, which was just enough to get out the sleds and slide down the slope in our front yard.  I worked from home today, and we started late, so I got to enjoy my coffee out with the kids in the snow, before making the long commute to the table.  Sarah brought her boys over too, and her puppy wanted so badly to play on the sleds too!

(12/10) I took the twins to their practice this morning, and Dad took C down to his game. C had an amazing game, and got a whole slew of assists. It ended in an 8-8 tie, but Dad said it was quite the game!

(12/11) I took the boys over to Grandma's to make cookies this morning while Dad was working. We came home with a ton of sugar cookies!  D was the master decorator, and J spent most of the time playing with his cousin. I love getting together with my fam! We went out for dinner after cookies, and then to an afternoon Silvertips game.

(12/12) Our fabulous nanny's little boy will be going in for chemo this week, and she cannot watch our boys during the process.  Please click here if you want to help baby Isaiah. I worked from home today, and Dad went in.  C had hockey this evening, and then Dad took him Christmas shopping.  I think we're close to being done.  Now to wrap everything!

(12/13) Work day for both Dad & me.  Granddad came and watched the twins for me, so I could go in to work today.  At work, I ran in our company's 'adopt-a-family' gifts to the YWCA in Seattle.  It was such a pleasure to shop for 3 families, with 8 kiddos between them. My coworkers were very generous, and I hope we made a the holidays a little brighter.

(12/14) Day off for me, and work day for Dad.  It was my day to work in the kids' classroom, and we got a special treat.  One of the moms made latkes!  D said "ewwww!" initially but promptly dug in once he was served.  After school, we had reservations with Santa. I love our picture this year!  Even if our oldest did have a cruddy day at school and was grumpy for the picture.

(12/15) Work day for Dad and me.  I worked from home so I could take the twins to a production of the Nutcracker this afternoon.  It was shortened to make it kid-friendly.  The boys did pretty well, and only got a little antsy.  When the stage manager was showing the kids how parts of the set work, she brought out the fake snow and asked from what the kids thought it was made.  D hollered "BAKING SODA AND WATER!" ~ which is what his teacher made the fake snow out of in his classroom.  D also really loved "the ninjas" (from the Arabian dance), which gave the folks in front of us a giggle, when he very loudly whispered, "Those are ninjas, Mom!"

(12/16) Work day for me, actually AT work! I haven't been in the office on a Friday in ages.  Immediately after getting home, I took the twins to Family Night at their school.  The man in the big, red suit made an appearance.  D immediately told him that he needed to go eat dinner, because that was what D was doing.  LOL!   J went right up to him, crossed his arms and gave him the stink-eye.  I asked him if he said hello, and he said, "Yes!"

(12/17) Dad took the boys to the twins' hockey practice, while Sarah and I trekked over to the gym for Zumba and back in the snow!  It was so beautiful out!  I went to our HOA meeting and got to know a few of the owners... and possibly wasn't able to keep my big mouth shut and ended up on the board.  After lunch, our friends came over for some gaming and a holiday get-together, then Dad and C went to the Silvertip's Teddy Bear Toss night with the gang, and I stayed home with the twins. They were bummed to not get to go, but 7pm games are just too late for them still.

(12/18) Well, ugh.  Dad was furloughed at work, so is not going in to work today.  So we rearranged our schedules again, and Dad took C down to his game, which they lost 5-3.  BUT C played hard, even while not feeling so hot.  The twinadoes got to go and bake cookies with Granddad and Grandma, and Sarah and I went down for the 12k's of Christmas run. It was a beautiful morning, and we had a lot of fun!  I got some Christmas shopping in before the twins came home, and bought the twins their very own "Christmas torture."

(12/19) Work day for me from home.  Dad is still furloughed, so he is home to take care of the kiddos today, all of whom are on break. The naughties have spent the day making it rain Legos.  C has hockey tonight, so I think the twinadoes and I will hit the gym.

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