Tuesday, December 19, 2017

One Holiday at a Time!

C: So, I've been wondering... Where did Santa come from?
Me: The North Pole. 
C: Oh.  And what football team do they have there?

C: I heard that we're going to watch the puberty movie after break. I can't wait!!

C: I'm excited for dinner tonight! Dad's doing flank steak. 
J: Noooooo! I hate flank steak! I just like normal steak! 
C: Flank steak is normal steak. 
J: Well, I'm more of a meatloaf lover.

D: I sure wish it was April so we can hide Easter eggs.

C: Dad, can you make me some toast? I can't think of anything better to go with black tea and annoying homework.

J: See Mom? I pretty much
saved you.
Crazy hair day at school ~
C's looks pretty normal
(12/1) Work day for me, and the boys had school.  I left work early to take them to see Mr. Popper's Penguins at the Seattle Children's Theatre.  The boys were convinced we had dinner at Panda Express since there was a panda on the sign.  Sure, we'll go with that.  We got to see the amazing train exhibit at the Seattle Center.  The Needle was beautiful tonight, even wrapped up for construction.

(12/2) Dad took the twins to practice so I could go to Zumba with Sarah.  We all went to C's game this afternoon, so we could book it from there to the Tips' game where they were doing their annual teddy bear toss.  SO.MUCH.HOCKEY.

Teddy Bear Toss
C is #52 white
(12/3) C had pictures for hockey today, so I unplugged the children and made them put on clothes.  I know!  Meanest mom ever.  The twins had a game after that.  There were lots of ice angels today, and D was a total pill throughout.  We ended our day on a fun note by stopping off at Sarah's to play their new VR games. She happened to have a balloon kit for her boys, and J made himself some awesome armor.

D is #21 here

(12/4) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys.  C started off the day as a bear, and didn't improve.  He rolled his ankle in PE today (which I'm sure didn't help things), so we kept him home from hockey practice tonight.

(12/5) Work day for Dad & me. We had our annual safety training today, and I re-upped my CPR and first aid certifications.  Why not, when it's provided?  After work, the whole fam went to see Santa.  I love our picture this year. C is such a goof.

(12/6) I worked in the twinsies' classes today.  I got to make reindeer in J's class.  The best part about helping in the classroom is the art projects.  We all know I'm five at heart.

(12/7) Work day for me.  It was a short one though since my company's holiday party was tonight. We went on a cruise again of Lake Washington.  Since the start time was bumped up, we were treated to a beautiful sunset.  After a lovely evening, I headed home in time to tuck the kiddos in.

(12/8) Work day for me, and school for the boys.  My company said to "sleep in," so I did, and was in around 10. Sure made for a short day!

(12/9) The twins had practice this morning, and C had a game.  C's team only had 7 players show initially.  Eeps!  They had a few more stragglers come in, thankfully, but they still got creamed.  C played really hard tonight though. He probably played the best he has all season.

(12/10) The twinsies had their last hockey game today.  They played the most that they have all season, so yay?  That's not really saying a whole lot though.  We've decided they've had enough, and aren't registering them for the second half of the season.  C & I got to go see Elf at the Paramount this evening.  What an excellent production!

J doing ice angels

(12/11) Work day for Dad & me.  I collected the kiddos from school early so we could go to C's appointment.  And while I finished out the day working from home, the twinadoes watched TV, and C left for hockey.

(12/12) Work day for Dad & me.  My work had a cookie exchange this morning, so I baked up some of the cookie dough that I had purchased for another kiddo's school fundraiser earlier this season. I bribed the boys to eat breakfast so they could also have a breakfast cookie.  Balance in all things.

(12/13) I worked in J & D's classrooms today.  J's class was writing about the characters in the gingerbread man story, and in D's class, I pealed crayons for a teacher craft. I had a whole group of kiddos helping me. D's class constructed traps to try and catch the pesky gingerbread man that kept coming into their classrooms and leaving messes.  We made one out of an egg carton and an old soda box. D decorated it to be nice and sparkly, but alas, didn't catch the fella.

(12/14) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  It took forever to get home today, and I had only a couple minutes to wolf down some dinner, and the boys and I were off to Zumba.  It was worth it.

(12/15) Work day for me, and last day of school for the boys until break!  D immediately stripped down to his underwear when he got home. Because, D. My work adopted a couple of families from the YWCA and went in on presents for five kiddos. I had a lot of fun shopping and wrapping for this event ~ it's one of my favorite things to do!

(12/16) Dad & I had tickets to see Christopher Titus tonight! Nanan came early to watch the kids so we could go out to dinner. We went to our favorite sushi haunt, and the waitress said she missed the kids, lol.  It was nice to sit and chat over a meal instead of refereeing. Titus was awesome, as usual, as was his opener, Rachel Bradley.

(12/17) Nanan stayed with the boys this morning while I ran the 12Ks of Christmas with Sarah & her mom.  We went for Starbucks afterward to warm up and visit.  It didn't rain on us, thankfully, and it was really fun to be back out there, especially at a run so festive. Once I got home, and had doled out lunch, the boys and I lounged around and watched videos. I may have watched the movies through the backs of my eyelids though.

(12/18) Work day for Dad and the boys started their winter break.  The twins went to hang with Amanda for the day, and C went with Sarah & Co down to Seattle to check out the Gingerbread Village. Nanan had surgery today, so I ferried her to and fro.  She'll be recuperating at our house for a bit.

(12/19) Work day for Dad & me, and the kiddos are having a proper lazy day. I ended up working from home today, and none of us has gotten out of jammies.

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