Monday, December 17, 2018

Gingerbread Army

Playing Life ~ D and his husband ended up having twins
D: Girls in the trunk, boys in the front! 

(12/3) I worked from home today.  D had an afternoon pediatrician visit, and as we walked in, we ran into my brother and his kids. They don't live nearby, and we don't get to visit as often as we'd like, so it was extra funny to run into them out and about!

(12/4) My office offered an abbreviated self defense course for real estate agents a few months ago, and decided to have the instructor come back and teach the full course.  It was a great way to kick off the morning!

(12/5) I worked in the boys' classrooms today, and was at the school pretty much all day.  It was a rough and very long day, followed by afternoon appointments.

(12/6) Work day for me, and school for the kiddos today.  After work, I went shopping for our YWCA Adopt-a-Families for Christmas. My office sponsored two families, each with three kiddos this year.  It's so fun playing Santa.  I bought a ton, and hope the kiddos will be thrilled!

(12/7) I worked from home today so that I could wrap and deliver everything I bought yesterday. After getting everything packaged up, and dropping it off at the local YWCA, I finished my day out at home. Shew!  Whirlwind project ~ but I love it.

(12/8) I did nothing this morning, and it was glorious!  I sat and read my book for hours, and enjoyed my coffee, and the tree. This afternoon, Sarah and I went shopping with her mom.  We had some mulled wine, and thoroughly enjoyed going through the shops on First Street in Snohomish.

(12/9) I missed last night's family movie due to being out, so watched it this afternoon while the boys played screens. Dog Days was so cute!  I highly recommend, even if it did hit me in the feels. We went to the Silvertips game tonight.  Tips won a well-matched game!

(12/10) I worked from home today.  Dad made bourbon fudge for my work's holiday exchange tomorrow. He has pretty much perfected the recipe by adding a little orange zest.  Yummo!

(12/11) Today was filled with meetings and trainings.  It's going to be a busy 2019! The cookie exchange was awesome, Dad's fudge was a hit, and I made sure to take home a haul to the kids.

(12/12) I worked in the boys' classrooms today.  D uncharacteristically stayed in his classroom, instead of hanging with me while I was there.  So I got to help kiddos with their worksheets, and prep holiday gifts.  Super cute!  I left and came back a few hours later to work in J's classroom. I had a meeting after school, so Dad took D to his appointment.  Tonight was rough, and none of us is too happy about some upcoming changes.

(12/13) Work day for me, and school for the boys.  We had breakfast for dinner tonight, which is always a fave, and the boys waited for me to get home before starting Ellen's Game of Games.  Hilarious!

(12/14) Work day for me, and school for the boys today. It was a quiet day at the office, and a nice way to cap off a busy week.

(12/15) Dad took the twins to J's hockey this morning so I could go to Zumba with Sarah. C went to a birthday party at Elevated Sportz. So fun!  The grands came over to do gingerbread houses and sugar cookies with the twins this afternoon. After they left, we had dinner, and went to the Silvertips game. The Tips did their annual Teddy Bear Toss, and we chucked out a few bears for the cause.  It was a great game!  Though with the toss, and the ice-clearing brawl, the first period took an hour.

(12/16) Sarah hosted gingerbread cookies at her house today.  The kids had so much fun!  We ended up doing a quadruple batch, and the kids made an entire gingerbread army!  They played out in the rain, in the clubhouse, and us adults had time to visit and watch the game. It was super fun!

(12/17) Work day for me, and school for the boys. One more week!

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