Friday, January 25, 2019

Oodles of Noodles

(1/6) I made the kiddos chocolate scones for breakfast today, on their last day of break.  D loved them so much, he had three. J had a hockey game this morning. We attended the pancake breakfast afterward. After we got back, the boys played video games, and I ran errands.  When I was finally done with that, we were able to have Jamie over for some play time with the twins. We went to a Tips game tonight, which they won handily!

(1/7) Work day for Dad & me, and back to school for the boys. Sounds like everyone had a good day.  Shew!

(1/8) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys.  Another "Meeting Tuesday" in the books.

(1/9) Work day for Dad and day off for me. I worked in the boys' classrooms today, reading with D's class, and helping with math in J's.   After everybody got home, we had a relaxing evening together.  The twins did art, and J ran around wearing armor, and his underwear.  It's a look. 😂

(1/10) Work day for me, day off for Dad, and the boys had school. The boys had an art-filled evening. Our dining room table is now covered in projects (and glitter glue), and D is wanting to become an artist.

(1/11) Work day for me, school for the boys, and day off for Dad. C had curling tonight so I got an hour of peace in which to listen and giggle at my book.

(1/12) Sarah and I hit the gym this morning for both ZumbaStrong and our normal Zumba class. I earned that two hour coma afterward! Dad had a day of working on cars with the guys, getting a hitch on our truck so it's ready for camping season.  And I spent the second half of the day slothlike, with a nose in my book

(1/13) C spent the night at a friend's house last night, and reappeared mid-morning. I finished up a book while ambling on the treadmill, lamenting yet another Stepbet.

(1/14) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys. The twins had a great time this evening playing with kinetic sand. And C made a batch of slime, perfecting the recipe for this batch.

(1/15) Meeting Tuesday!  I dropped the boys off at school, and then drove to work.  I never left the building from 9am-6:30pm.  Normally I at least get out for a walk.  Nanan came over for a visit after the boys got home from school, and stayed for dinner.  She and Dad went cell phone shopping, and hopefully she has a better option now.

(1/16) Day "off" for me, and work day for Dad. I worked in the boys' classrooms and worked on support videos for work during my break between classes. I am so done hearing myself talk!

(1/17) Day off for Dad, school for the boys, and work for me today.  I spent the bulk of my day finishing up the support videos, and getting ready for our product launch.  Can we maybe fast-forward a few months now?  Eeps.

(1/18) Happy Birthday, Dad!  I had to work today, so we decided on going out tomorrow to celebrate. Dad went up to pick up the teenager for the weekend, and we all went to a Tips game this evening.  We got home super late, and we all pretty much headed to bed once we got home.

(1/19) We piled in the car today and headed to Leavenworth.  There was an ice carving festival this weekend, and we tried twice to find parking anywhere within a mile radius and weren't successful.  We continued on to Peshastin, and went to the Big Y Cafe. C ordered the trucker burger, which was as big as his head!  Coming home we stopped to play in the snow.  The kids had fun, and that's what counted. Dad and I went out to Middleton with the pupper to toast his birthday, and we returned to have cherry pie from the Snohomish Pie Co with the kids. Delish!

(1/20) Lazyish day for us.  Dad took the day off, and got to take J to his hockey game this morning. I bummed around and read my book this morning, and then caught a walk with Sarah before taking the teenager back home.  I got to meet the teen's new puppy ~ it's seriously a fluffy potato with legs.  So cute! We went to another hockey game this evening.  Second game the Tips have lost with double the shots on goal.  Sigh.

(1/21) Sarah and I hoofed it to the gym for Strong30 followed by Zumba, and then noodled our way home. I threw food at the kids and may have hidden away with my book afterward, and let the children run feral. Tonight, we took Noodle to Sam's Cat & Dogs for the qualifiers for the Small Dog Races.  Noodle won both his heats and will be racing at the Silvertips game on Saturday. It will be a riot!

(1/22) Work day for Dad and me.  My day was one big meeting, and I didn't even leave the building until it was time to go home.  Nanan came over this evening to have dinner with the kids.  She and D were playing Battleship when I got home.  I'm not sure the rules were being followed too closely, but they had fun. After she left, it was time for homework and the wind-down before bedtime.

(1/23) Work day for Dad and my day to work in the boys' classes.  I did a bunch of project prep in D's class, and helped with math groups in J's. We had a meeting at the school, which ended on a positive note. Huzzah for that!

(1/24) Another busy work day for me. I did an off-site training in Seattle, and it went so long that I just went home afterward. Color me brain fried.

(1/25) Hallelujah, it's Friday! Usually Fridays are my quiet days at work, but this one was packed, and I was busy-busy-busy all day long.  Dad had the day off, and ended up on the news this morning with Noodle at a practice race on the ice.  Super cute! He'll be racing during the intermission at tomorrow night's Tips game.

Photo credit Sam's Cats & Dogs Naturally & Q13 News
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