Friday, July 5, 2019

Ready, Set, Summer!

(6/19) Work for Dad, day off for me, and school for the boys today. I went to morning group with D, and then to the library for a presentation on summer reading. His teacher didn't have anything for me to do after that, so I went on home. C stayed home today, and felt much better as the day went on.  I may have sat down with a book and fallen into a coma for a few hours until I needed to go fetch the twins.

Not ready for prime time yet.
Showing off his purple and gold!
(6/20) Work day for me, school for the boys, and day off for Dad. The boys all had decent day. Just one more day of school for them and they're outta there!  Woohoo!  We moved D's appointment up a week so we can go camping next week. Or at least that's the plan right now.

(6/21) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Huzzah, we made it! I worked today, and Dad had the kiddos.

(6/22) Yay, everyone was off today! I kicked it off with a Zumba class with Sarah. We bummed around the house this afternoon and then I did some yard work while Dad and C went to get his replacement glasses--no more tape to hold them together!  I later took the twins to the children's museum, and then to the park.

(6/23) Lazy day for the boys and me, and Dad had to work. We lazed about for most of the morning, but decided to go out and get J a new bike this afternoon. It started to drizzle as we left, and was a full on downpour when we got back.  So alas, no taking it for a test run, but I do believe we found a good one!

(6/24) Work day from home for me and work day in the office for Dad. The kiddos had to stay home and play video games today. It sure took a lot of arm twisting to make that happen.  Heh.

(6/25) Vacation day for me! We were going to head out camping but opted for a staycation after looking at the weather forecast.  I slept in, and then went for a run in the sunshine! It stayed nice out, and warmed up enough that we all went over to Sarah's so the kids could swim.

(6/26) Now that the kids are out, I get my Wednesdays back!  I walked to Zumba and back. And then trekked up and down the stairs to haul out pieces of the twins' old bunk bed/dresser set out to the car to go to the dump. I then sat out in the sunshine and read my book, while the boys argued about where to go. They all really wanted to go swimming in the outdoor pool, but the clouds came in and it got cold fast so we nixed that idea.

(6/27) I got up early and went walking with Sarah. It was rainy and blah out, so I let the kiddos veg out on machines for most of the day. I ran C back into the doctor because he's still coughing. He now gets to be good friends with the nebulizer over the next few and see if that finally clears him up.

(6/28) Work day for me, the second of the week. The boys video-gamed quietly while Dad slept. D had a tsunami of a nose bleed tonight. It was so bad I ran him to the walk-in. There really wasn't anything they could do about it since they don't do cautery (and we had finally gotten it to stop). So yay, sounds like another trek to the ENT.

(6/29) Sarah and I opted for a long walk instead of being in the hot gym this morning. We had C's birthday with friends this afternoon since we'll be gone on the actual day. Boys, boys, boys everywhere!

(6/30) After the boys all left this morning, we spent the day recovering (read: napping and reading).  Dad started back on graves today. We had to devise a new system for feeding Jimmy, since he tells us both that he's simply withering away, and that no one feeds him. Ever. And then it turns out we both were feeding him as we were coming/going.  Bad cat!

(7/1) How is it July already? Dad and I worked today, and the boys lounged about playing video games. They went over to Sarah's to swim this afternoon while I finished up my shift.

(7/2) I worked from home today because I had a dentist appointment scheduled for noon. Due to a scheduling mishap, they had me down for the 16th, so I'll get to repeat this process in two weeks. Annoying, but whatevs. The rest of the day went smoothly.

(7/3) Day off for me and I kicked it off with Zumba. Nanan called this afternoon to see if we wanted to join her at IHOP. So we went for second lunch, and she came home with us and spent the afternoon being shown every part of D's game.

(7/4) Happy Fourth! D asked if we could go to the children's museum today, so we did that followed by a quick hike around Narbeck to hunt for painted rocks. Once we got home, it was time for barbecuing and fireworks.  Our neighbors put on a great show!  We had just a few this year, but the boys still had fun.

(7/5) The kiddos went to bed super late last night. The twins wanted their window wide open so they could continue to see/hear the fireworks after we'd sent them to bed. They were sawing logs even through the apocalypse outside. I had a shorter work day today, and Dad had the kiddos.

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