Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The One Where We All Become Hermits

(3/1) J was once again up and at 'em early this morning, but waited until 7 to come down. Once I got the doggos settled, I sat down with my coffee and a book. I read until Sarah messaged that she was free for a walk. C came home this afternoon and argued every which way about working on an essay that's due next week. He does not like the topic and thinks he shouldn't have to argue something with which he doesn't agree. Sorry dude, it's a skill you've gotta learn. We went to an afternoon hockey game, and came home for Sunday chores and baths.

(3/2) D got sick again in the night and woke with a really sore stomach. I ended up keeping him home today. Poor guy. J is so proud of his fort and really wanted to make D one, so he kept excitedly telling him about what he was doing. I had to steer him away and tell him D was not ready to talk just now. We ended up taking D to the doctor this afternoon because he was complaining of right-side pain, and my mind immediately jumped to appendicitis. Thankfully that was not it. Shew!

(3/3) Work and school for us all today. Dad said the radio was doing funny things in the Sante Fe today, and when he went to pick the boys up from school, the whole rig died. He got a jump and headed home. He ended up replacing the battery, and that fixed 'er up.

J's art
(3/4) My walking buddy was out doing a presentation this morning, so I took the opportunity to sleep in. I got all of us out the door to school, and then pulled the boys for a dental appointment mid-morning. D was on me about not forgetting my coffee, so much so that I forgot my phone. I got to watch Home while the kiddos got their teeth cleaned. It's a cute movie, and it's been a while. D has been a D-saster this week, and today was no exception. I get to disrupt his routine next week too with another dental appointment. Woo!

(3/5) I went on in to work today. It's a ghost town on the freeway. I have the option of working from home, but my office is very low-traffic, and I'd assume lower risk. D wrote me a list of things he'd like to have so he could have a happier life (peach or strawberry yogurt, cherry applesauce, candy?, and bacon). Bacon makes everything better.

(3/6) Work and school for us today. I went in again, and was home in record time afterward. Most Fridays my commute is a solid hour, and now we're down to 20 minutes. After dinner, we played Uno Spin for family game night, and then Dad and I watched a movie after the kiddos went to bed.

(3/7) Dad bought all the things on D's list, and when I got up, D was munching on bacon and having a bowl of yogurt. I got the bubble machine out for "there's nothing to do" D after breakfast so he could play with Cass. Cass *loves* bubbles! Sarah and I went for a walk sans coffee (life is rough, y'all), and then I ran up to Nanan's for coffee (from the pot) and conversation. I spent a few hours working up there too, since I was there.

(3/8) So my ploy to not tell the boys about Daylight Savings Time didn't work. The school district sent out a robo-call at the new 6:30am and woke Dad & me. Dad got up, and a little bit later sent C upstairs to get the dog from J's room. He announced to the twins that it was 7:30 already (!!!), and then everybody was up. Thanks, C.  We spent the morning at the dog beach rock-hounding. We went close to low-tide, and decided to come home just before the rain started. We had a lot of fun, and it was great to get out! Dad is really excited about all the cool rocks we found. J got a tumbler for Christmas and we've polished up a lot of pretty stones.

(3/9) I worked from home today. The day after Daylight Savings is always rough for everybody. D had a cruddy day in particular, but the sun was out and we took a stroll down to the lake to run off some steam.

(3/10) Work and school for us all today. We had some meetings and are preparing to batten down the hatches here. Dad made bacon bourbon mac tonight and it was amazing! I ended up watching election coverage and J hit the park. It's wonderful having the extra light.

(3/11) Today was my day off. I went to school with the boys in the morning, but only worked in D's class because he and C had dentist appointments this morning. I dropped them back at school afterward, and went home to hang out until they were off for the day. C & D also had counseling appointments after school, so we headed out for those, and then came home to dinner. D had an amazing day at school and got to celebrate with some long-awaited screen time!

(3/12) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys. Their schools will close for six weeks for COVID-19 slowing beginning next week. My work has moved remote too, so we're about to get cozy here at home.

(3/13) I dropped the boys and school and then settled in to work from home. It snowed this morning a little bit, but it didn't last long. Granddad had an ablation this morning in Seattle. It was good he got in because all elective surgeries will be cancelled as of Monday. My office held their Friday afternoon happy hour over Teams today. We got to toast Granddad coming through a-okay! I got to talk to him this evening and he was able to get up and walk. Hopefully he'll get to go home tomorrow.

(3/14) Pi(e) Day! Dad made shepherd's pie for dinner tonight in the crockpot. He started it first thing, so we smelled it cooking all day. He went up to Rob's to get tires on S' car, and I hung out at home with the boys. We ended up with an extra kid because his sister was due to have her baby! Sarah is an oma to two now ♥️  Baby boy was born this evening. Dad scored a Tagalongs cookies 'n cream pie from the Snohomish Pie Co for tonight, and it quickly rocketed to the top of our faves. Granddad did get to go home today, and I talked with him this evening. He seems in good spirits and was feeling fine.

(3/15) The boys were up and at 'em early today. They played screens for the bulk of the day. Dad ran a few errands, and I did some yard work and finally mowed the lawn-moss. The twins and I went down to the lake to play after dinner. I talked to Granddad tonight and he's doing great! So glad!

(3/16) The boys were up bright and early, and were already logged in and doing school work by 7am. Mondays are my normal work from home days, so I got them all set, and then headed upstairs to work. My work did a virtual all staff lunch, and I conducted other meetings over Teams. Dad bought  pizza tonight, and the twins and I headed to the lake after dinner to play. It was gorgeous but cold out!

(3/17) Happy Paddy's Day!  I turned the kitchen lights green this morning for the kids. Dad had gone out and gotten them some treats (from the leprechauns) from the store yesterday, and we were treated to cupcakes for breakfast. The boys were up and done with their work in record time again today. I worked from home, and read they may be home through fall.  😭

(3/18) J was awake and listening to the news in his fort when Dad got up and left for the day. I went down to the boys doing their math before I had even gotten my coffee. Crazy children! Sarah and I went for a walk a little later than normal and got to enjoy the sunrise. It's going to be another beautiful day! My very sweet father sent me flowers for St Paddy's Day this afternoon. They smell lovely!

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