Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The New Normal

(7/24) TGIF! Today was a work day for me, and Dad had the day off with the boys. We played Catan tonight, which D begged to play, but then pretty much threw in the towel at dessert time. You just don't mess with dessert time around here, lol!

(7/25) Dad and I celebrated our 19th anniversary a little early this year, because the actual date falls during the work week. We went for lunch at the Snohomish Pie Co, and then stopped to pick up our wine at a drive thru pick-up event. Covid restrictions are headed back to Phase 1 in our county, but we did sneak in one last tasting at one of our favorites whose owner will retiring after this weekend. We wore our masks and stayed away from everyone, which made the tasting process different! 

(7/26) Oh boy, oh boy, it's warming up here in the PNW!  The boys and I were home today, while Dad had to work. I took my book out for some QT on the treadmill this morning. I messaged Sarah about the boys using the pool this afternoon, and since they were out for the day, she said we were welcome to come over. The twins had a blast, even if they did get a little crispy.  Whoops!  It's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow.  

(7/27) Hooooot! I threw dinner in the crockpot because today was forecast to be a scorcher. We kept the lights off, and moved the fans around to manage the best we could.

(7/28) Meeting packed work day for me. I poked my head out a few times to make sure all the boys were still alive, but Tuesdays are a fend for yourself kind of day. Dad grilled tonight, and we ate outside. It was very pleasant out today! 

(7/29) I had the day off today. I asked the boys if they wanted to go to the lake, but they were all very "meh" with the exception of D. So we hung out at home. I worked in the yard, and read my book. Today is our actual anniversary, so cheers to that. Dad brought home fried chicken and we had a quiet evening at home, and shared some vino once the kiddos went to bed. 

(7/30) Sarah and I didn't walk this morning, and it threw my whole day out of whack. I slept in 15 minutes past my normal wake-up, and the children were up, dogs were borking, and everybody was in my space. I had to work today, and Dad took the boys and doggo to the beach and out for takeout so they were out of my hair this afternoon. 

(7/31) Friday again~ thank goodness. This has been another LONG/short week, if that makes any sense. I worked today, and stayed busy with a few projects. We told the kiddos that we are planning to get a Corgi puppy this fall. J started bouncing, and D fell to the floor whining that he has to wait over 60 days. 🤣 

(8/1) Today was my birthday, and I got to join the guys for breakfast at Choux Choux, a drink at Bluewater, and then we meandered north to Bad Dog and Valley Shine. We're back in Phase 1.5 in Snohomish Co, so places that served food were still allowed to do tastings, and I dined in a restaurant--the first since March! I enjoyed hanging with friends and spending the day out.  

(8/2) The boys and I headed to Deception Pass and met up with Grandma & Granddad. We had lunch topped off with Grandma's famous mousse! So good!  We haven't seen them since Christmas, so it was fun to catch up--in a socially distant and masked sort of way, of course!  J "mined" quartz by chiseling off chunks of rock; D loved climbing the rocks, and C hung with us, and ventured out to cool off in the water a few times. It was a really lovely day! 

(8/3) Dad and I worked today, and the boys had a stay home day. D must have gotten bored because he cleaned his entire room and made his bed, plus J's "bed" on the floor. They've been sleeping in the same room since the shutdown in March.  It will be interesting to see how long they maintain this.  

(8/4) Meeting Tuesday! I led the staff meeting today, and part-way through they sent me down to my front door. Two of my co-workers had dropped off a lovely basket of goodies for my 20th anniversary. So sweet! I love and miss my office peeps!  

(8/5) I was off today. After a walk with Sarah this morning, I did some exciting things like yard work, and reading a book! We had lovely grilling weather this evening. Dad made shrimp kabobs and we dined outside. 

(8/6) Day off for Dad, and work day for me. Dad went up to Rob's to work on cars. He made an awesome dinner tonight of baked rigatoni and of course, garlic bread. I got stuck on a call, so made it down to dinner late, but it sure smelled delicious!  I had to run some errands this evening and may have wandered through the garden area. I see Freddie's has their fall foliage out (seriously not ready!!), and picked up an ornamental pepper plant, as well a few others. 

(8/7) TGIF! The weeks continue to be long-short. Like they drag, but all the sudden it's Friday again. I took a long support call and was complaining to Dad, so he brought me up a G&T to finish out my day. It definitely hit the spot! 

(8/8) One of my coworkers is moving back to Chicago, and though she's staying on with the company, it just won't be the same without her when we go back to the office!  I'm so used to popping my head over the cubicle to bug her. A few of my work peeps gathered today and we went socially-distant wine tasting. We wore our masks, and sat outside at all the venues.  It was so great to see her before she goes! Back at home, Dad and D made a blueberry pie, which overflowed in the oven. It was delicious, but man did it make a mess. He put the oven on self-cleaning, and for the next four hours it was locked and heating up the already hot house. He went out and grabbed Chinese take-out, and I came home to happy boys. 

(8/9) I went up to see my brother and SIL, whom I haven't seen since Christmas thanks to this stupid virus!  We sat outside and caught up for a few hours. My nephew came out and asked if I had brought his cousins. Not this time, but hopefully soon!  We talked about going out to where the parents will be moored in the next few weeks, now that they're off sailing. I hope we can make that work!  Other than that, it was a pretty chill day. Dad worked, and then came home and grilled dinner, which we got to enjoy outside. 

(8/10) It's Monday again--please pass the coffee! Sarah and I caught up on our morning walk, and then I came home to work. It was a pretty quiet day for me. I'm building forms for our program, and did that for much of the day while listening to a book. I'm reading The Coming Plague. Light & fluffy! 

(8/11) Today was a work day for Dad and me. The exciting news from today was that Biden has picked running mate, Harris. I watched the news all afternoon, and am starting to feel the energy. 

(8/12) I had the day off today, and attempted to sleep in, but not only did the cat start scratching at the door, but the child did too, as if the cat needed help being noticed.  And then I couldn't go back to sleep. It was cooler today, and D was overly dramatic that we needed to turn on the heat. It was 68° inside. I told him to go add some layers and that no, we would NOT be turning on the heat! He later complained about how hot it was, and the temp had only climbed to a whopping 70° in his bedroom.  

(8/13) I had to work today, and Dad went up to Rob's to work on their project cars. He was gone most of the day, and we ended up having D's favorite dinner: tortellini. We discovered this evening that the fridge had given up the ghost, and emptied it out into a cooler. UGH! Thankfully, Sarah had space in her freezer for some of the goods we couldn't fit in our big cooler. I hope we can find a replacement and soon.

(8/14) Dad hit four stores this morning in search of a new fridge. At the fourth, he finally found one that'll do. The downside is that we have to wait ten days for it to be delivered. Boo. But it is what it is, and I took the fam out for ice cream tonight for dessert to drown our misery. 

(8/15) Dad and I got a jump on cleaning out the garage and did a dump run before the heat really set in. I built some new shelves for the garage, and got everything sorted. We are going to remove some old cabinetry on the other side still, but it's getting there!  I ordered some gym equipment (barbell, weights, and bench) and am looking forward to it all arriving, and now having space to work out outside!  D came out and "helped" and suggested we should go get Jersey Mike's because he was exhausted from all the work. We decided to go out to Red Robin instead, much to his dismay, but promised him we'd go to Jersey Mike's tomorrow.  

(8/16) Bleh!  It's supposed to be 90° here today. Dad had to work, but I decided to take the boys up to Nanan's beach. We grabbed subs from Jersey Mike's and headed on up.  The boys were staaarrving by the time we arrived (at 11am), so we sat outside and had a picnic in Nanan's yard. We then followed her down to a private community beach and borrowed the swings and shade from a nearby deck while the tide rolled in. It was lovely to see Nanan in person! She hasn't seen the boys since March, and while we Zoom every night, it's just not the same as being there with them.  

(8/17) Ugh. It was too hot to sleep last night, and even though it was cooler out this morning, the house was still 75° at 6am. I opened it all up and got the fans going, and then went for a walk with Sarah. I had to work today, so that was next on the docket. D & I made a quick grocery run, but that was the extent of our going out today.

(8/18) I cooked up the boys a big breakfast this morning, in an effort to eat.all.the.things from the cooler before they go bad. Today was largely spent building forms for work. I worked until I went cross-eyed, walked away and came back. Just a few more to go! 

(8/19) I have the day off today, but signed up to take a webinar through work, which took up the bulk of the morning. Sarah and I went for a walk this morning, and then I came home and logged on. The boys were pretty disappointed that we weren't going back to Nanan's beach today, but hopefully we can go again soon!  

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