Sunday, January 3, 2021

The One Where We Got a Puppy!

(11/30) Oy. Break went by too fast and now it's Monday again. Sarah and I went for our morning walk but ended up cutting it short when it started to rain. The kiddos had school and we all dragged our feet getting going this morning. J has been trying to get D to give up his room so tonight I ended up moving a mattress back into the bigger room and they both slept in there. 

(12/1) Meeting Tuesday! And since it was the first of the month, that meant ALL THE MEETINGS. I'm on the engagement committee and got to help plan our work Christmas party. We've planned a virtual murder mystery. It should be really fun!  

(12/2) I'm diggin' the new schedule for school. All live instruction is done by 11:30, and other than specials, I'm done monitoring school stuff after lunch. Today was my day off, so it was nice to only have to grumble at them for the morning. 

(12/3) Yaaawn! Although tough to get up and at 'em, we were treated to a beautiful sunrise on our morning walk. I came home and got the kiddos logged in for school and then retreated to work upstairs once Dad came down. 

(12/4) This has been the longest week ever. Probably because I keep staying up too late and then getting up at dark-thirty to walk with Sarah. I've gotten sucked into The Queen's Gambit and am really enjoying it. Anyway, today was a work and school day for the boys and me, and Dad had the day off.

(12/5) I so miss my coffee walks with Sarah, particularly on days like today when it's one of those crisp, sunny days. We used to walk to Zumba and grab a coffee after class. I ran some errands this morning and saw a lady out with her coffee, and it just made me miss everything so much. I came home, had my espresso, and did Zumba in my room. Harrumph. The rest of the day was a quiet day spent bumming around the house. D and I walked up to see the Irwin lights--they always put on an amazing show and went viral on TikTok this year. 

(12/6) The boys and I were home today. I slept in and spent the morning listening to my book and then going through all the packages that have been delivered for my work's toy/comfort drive. So amazing! I cannot wait to drop everything off! I made salt dough ornaments for the boys to give as Christmas presents today. I painted them a base color and will turn them loose tomorrow. 

(12/7) Oh man, Monday again? It was so hard to get up and out the door. Today was a work and school day for us all. The twins were excited to get to painting and were at the table before school and during all of their breaks. Apart from that, today seemed especially long, and I was glad to turn off my computer once my work day ended.

(12/8) Meeting Tuesday was fun today! We held our company holiday party and went with a murder mystery. I scored dinner from the teriyaki place I like, and had fun in yet another Zoom with my coworkers. It was something new and different though. We are all very much looking forward to being back in the office and together sometime next year though. 

(12/9) I had the day off today and kicked it off with a walk with Sarah. Once home, I got the kiddos up and logged in, and then got started on making another batch of salt dough ornaments since they take a good 90 minutes to cook and wouldn't be ready until the twins were done with class. It was rainy-blah out this afternoon and I sat down with my book after school, closed my eyes for a few seconds, and all the sudden it was 4p and getting dark.  Whoops! 

(12/10) Work and school for the boys and me today and Dad had the day off. Today was good--I felt like I got a lot of work done and that we're finally nearing the end of this ridiculously long week! I'm more ready for break than the boys are at this point!

(12/11) The boys had school, I worked a partial day, and then we all headed off for a little adventure in Chelan. We've stared long enough at these four walls and it was fun to take our party on the road to stare at some other walls for a change! The condos have been remodeled since we were there last and the space is beautiful! 

(12/12) D was so excited about the day he had planned. He was going to check out the fort, play mini golf, video game, and then have some pizza. We indeed had an epic day of lounging around, playing at the park, and had a fun game of mini golf. 

(12/13) We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning. It was so pretty! The boys went out to play in and say goodbye to the fort, and we were on our way home after breakfast. It was snowing and very cold over the pass, but Stevens was still hopping. We got unloaded from our trip and noticed how cold it was in the house. It was 58° and our furnace was blowing cold. Ugh! We replaced the control board on it two years ago and thought we were good for a while. We decided on a replacement unit instead of a $1,000 temporary fix. OUCH. Thank goodness for 24 hour technicians because they came out the same day and were here until 10p. They had to vent the furnace and it set off all the smoke detectors which terrified the sleeping boys and all of the dogs. Fun times! 

(12/14) Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. All of us were punchy, J especially so. We all grumped at each other throughout school and work, and it was just a bunch of suck. Can't wait for break!

(12/15) Work and school for us all today. I had lots of meetings so kept half an ear on the schooling happening. Can't say it was real quality today. The boys drew nutcrackers in art and they turned out so cute!  All was pretty quiet until Dad got home and discovered that the dogs had gotten into and eaten the salt dough ornaments we've been working on. The boys were nearly in tears because of course they ate the kitty ornaments, which were their favorites. I phoned the vet and determined that the ornaments would need to come back up, and/or go the the ER as salt in large amounts is poisonous. I'll spare that experience. 

(12/16) I had the day off today. My work has been running a toy and comfort drive for the YWCA. To keep it Covid-friendly, everybody shipped their donations to my house and then I planned to take everything to the drop off. While the boys did their schooling, I packed up the SUV. My coworkers were so generous ~ I hope our efforts help some families have a happier holiday! When I got home, I baked up another batch of salt dough ornaments to replace what the dog ate. This time we'll make certain that the doggos don't get into them! 

(12/17) School and work for the boys and me today and Dad had the day off. He took our gift up to the teenager today (a cat tree), and she posted the cutest vids of some very happy kitties! The boys worked on their ornaments and we're almost ready to wrap them. This afternoon I ran over to the boys' school to pick up some treat bags that the PTA had prepared. The school sent home candy canes and hot chocolate, which sure were a big hit around here! 

(12/18) I had a dentist appointment today and it was lucky I did as I had a filling pop out last night. They were able to squeeze me in and do the repair today.  What was even better was there was a credit on my account so it barely cost anything! Noice! It was the boys' last day of school before break and we are all looking forward to this weekend and bringing new pupper Toffee home! 

(12/19) I got a slow start on the day. I spent the morning reading and coffeeing. We decided on a movie night this evening. We watched The Croods 2 and it was pretty cute!

(12/20) Puppy day! We got on the road earlyish to head over the mountains and pick up our new girl. She's so tiny! What a floof! We met Opa in Cle Elum for lunch and to exchange Xmas prezzies. We zoomed with the grands and my siblings tonight for an early Xmas celebration. Wishing we were all together. Sigh. Hopefully next year. 

(12/21) Dad and I had to work today and the boys are enjoying break. Toffee howled when I tried to sneak out for my walk, so I fed her some breakfast and snuck out while she was eating. The boys were way too excited to sleep and were downstairs and ready to play with the pup as soon as I got home. Dad is working until 8pm this week and got the fun surprise of having to drive the EV in the snow this evening. It poured rain most of the day, and then turned to heavy, wet snow. I don't expect it to stick around long, but it was pretty! 

(12/22) Meeting Tuesday was still pretty busy even though it was right before a holiday. I'm so ready for a vacation! Not having to monitor school is super nice and it's so much easier to have meetings without also trying to manage that mayhem.

(12/23) Sarah and I met for a walk this morning and then I worked until 2p. Toffee had a vet appointment this afternoon and of course she didn't poo this afternoon like I expected. I told the staff about her rough first night home. She was running a slight temp today so we didn't have any shots done and decided on another round of meds just to make sure all the nasties are gone. Her appointment took two hours with everything involved so it put me home late. And of course she pooped right as I got her out at home. Figures!

(12/24) Sarah and I met for a walk this morning and I spent my afternoon dropping off gifts. We don't really do anything Christmassy for Christmas Eve and instead spent a quiet evening at home with the kiddos.

(12/25) Merry Christmas! We started things off with Santa prezzies and Opa's blintzes. So good! Nanan came late morning and we did presents with her and I made deviled eggs for a snacky lunch. The grands stopped by with all the desserts (!!! apple/pumpkin/mousse pies plus a graham cracker crust for the boys, fudge, and toffee). Yuuuuum! We exchanged gifts on the porch and they headed home. Nanan left before it got dark and then we had dinner. It was a quiet but lovely Christmas, Covid and all.

(12/26) I ran Nanan's forgotten phone to her this morning and also took her some Christmas dinner. We had a nice visit from our separate cars. When I got home I undecorated our very dry tree and started the process of de-decorating the entire house. It always takes a while.

(12/27) Dad had to head in to work later this morning so got up with the pups and kids and got them all sorted. It was nice to sleep in! I finished putting the decorations away and listened to a book. I'm still trying to hit my goal of 200 books this year but am going to have to throw in a few shorties at the end because otherwise I'm never going to hit it. I didn't feel like cooking tonight so picked up dinner for the kids at Panda Express. Daddio got home at 6p and we saved him some grub. 

(12/28) I went walking with Sarah this morning and came home to enjoy my coffee and books. Dad had to work beginning at 10a today, and the kids and I hung out and did our own things. It was a nice lazy day!

(12/29) Sarah and I had a nice walk this morning. I took a few pictures because of course I am behind on my photo prompts for the month. I also am behind on my book challenge, so will be speed reading a few to catch up. We wore out the puppy enough tonight that she snugged with me, and Noodle actually tolerated her presence in the favored lap spot. Progress!

(12/30) It was pouring on Sarah's and my walk this morning so we cut the last little bit. After our walk, I plopped down on the couch and read. I'm inching closer to 200! I just received Obama's long-awaited book (over 900 pages), and am scrambling to get through it so I can count it in my tally.

(12/31) Sarah and I went for a walk in the rain this morning. I buried myself under some blankets to try and warm up after we got home. We had a pretty chill day. The kids video gamed and I snuck in a nap so I could make it to midnight. We called Nanan to ring in the New York new year with confetti poppers and a toast. Dad and I watched the virtual show at the Needle. The leadup was very cheesy, but I enjoyed the show itself. The doggies hated all the fireworks ~ the people in our neighborhood were sure excited to see 2020 out and started lighting them off every hour beginning at 6p. Ugh. I love fireworks, but c'mon!

(1/1) Happy New Year! The bar is low going into this year. I spent a "quiet" morning with the kids and dogs. As quiet as they all could be anyway. I made us breakfast and then went back to my book. It was gross outside today, so my run was another indoor one. I've joined a few challenges which should keep me running for another month or so.

(1/2) Sarah and I went for a soggy, windy walk this morning. We ducked into the trails to get out of the worst of it. We were all off today, and didn't do a whole lot other than video game, read, and play with the puppies. Dad was a "good cook" tonight and picked up teriyaki for dinner. We also played the twins' new Minecraft Uno game. It was short enough that even J played with us!

(1/3) Sob!  How is it the last day of break? We were all off again today, and Dad has transitioned back to graves. School tomorrow will be... interesting.  Wish us luck!

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