Monday, July 31, 2023

July Fly-by

(7/4) Happy Fourth! The boys and I were off today and Dad was able to work remotely for the second half of the day. We grilled and set off one firework (it was a biggie) and sat outside to enjoy the neighborhood's show. Dad took D for a drive and C went over to shoot off fireworks with his friends. Noodle is the only dog bothered to the point of needing sedation, and the others got by with us blasting 80's music. 

(7/5) I had the day off today since I don't usually work on Wednesdays. Sarah and I met for a walk and then I had a tech out to look at my treadmill. I think she's all fixed which will give me a rainy day alternative again! We all had a fireworks hangover so an afternoon siesta was the order of the day.

(7/6) I met Sarah for a walk this morning before things really started to heat up and then worked from home for the day. Dad was off, but still had to run in and do some work stuff. Dad made bean dip tonight and it was the perfect hot-day dinner.

(7/7) I worked from home today. The day totally dragged and it was beautiful outside which made it worse. Dad went and got a key lime pie to celebrate C's birthday per his request and then we handed over the keys to his car. Zomg!

(7/8) Happy birthday to C! 16 today! He was able to print out his license this morning. We celebrated at GameOn with pizza and VR. And then he got to take his brothers for shakes at Sonic all on his own. It was a pretty special day!

(7/9) I went to Zumba this morning and ran a few errands before coming home. I worked out in the yard for a bit before book club. It was a small one this month, but we still had a good exchange of books we'd read/want to read. Dad had to work today but came home early and finished his shift remotely. It was nice to have him home for dinner tonight!

(7/10) I worked from home today, Dad worked at work and C started summer school classes. It's only for a few hours in the morning so won't take up all of his day.

(7/11) I worked in the building today. My day was a busy one filled with meetings. C had his first job interview this afternoon. Sounds like they were very busy and could use him, so fingers crossed!

(7/12) I had the day off today and slept in a bit before getting up and heading to Zumba. After I got back, I took the boys out for their Wednesday WinCo run. We hung out for the rest of the day afterward. Nanan came around dinnertime. She has surgery in the morning and it's quicker to go from here.

(7/13) Nanan had to be at the surgery center in Edmonds bright and early this morning. I took the day off work and drove her to and from. They sent her meds up to Stanwood though so after we got back to my house and settled in, I drove up to grab them. She was feeling much more steady this afternoon and may even be able to head home tomorrow. We'll see.

(7/14) I worked from home today. Nanan was feeling pretty good and headed back home this afternoon. I'm so glad she wasn't feeling any pain!

(7/15) We went up to visit my brother and fam today. They have a huge, new pool and invited us up to swim. We finally made it up there after running to Freddie's because some weeds had outgrown their gear since last time, lol. We drove the Mustang up and it was a beautiful day to have the top down!

(7/16) I love Sundays. I slept in and then went to the gym for Zumba. I read and finished my book and then started another. We sat out by the fire this evening, which was quite pleasant other than the neighbor's kids barking back at the dogs and riling them up. Le sigh.

(7/17) I worked from home today after going for a walk with Sarah. It's going to be a short week, so I tried to cram in what I could today before tomorrow's festivities.

(7/18) Today was so fun! It was my work's summer outing. A group of us worked a half day at a coworker's house and then carpooled down to the Flastick Pub where we had pizza, bevvies, and played mini golf and duffleboard. I ended up bringing the troop at home pizza on top of it already being pizza night. There will definitely be leftovers!

(7/19) I had the day off and took the crew to WinCo for snacks after C got home from school. He thinks he'll be done tomorrow, which would be awesome! I had a relaxing day of book reading in between spurts of gardening in the heat. We're definitely needing some rain around here!

(7/20) C is indeed done with summer school and got to turn in his laptop. Hopefully he'll do the work next year and not have to make it up in the summer? J was supposed to have an orthodontist appointment, but after everyone got up early, they called and moved it to tomorrow.

(7/21) I worked from home and Dad had the day off. Dad took J to his appointment and we're looking at braces for the next few years. Weee. We go in next week for spacers.

(7/22) Dad had a fun morning out estate saling. I opted to stay home this time and read my book. He grilled this evening and we had a fancy steak dinner. We went to see Brad Williams at the Neptune tonight. It was way past our bedtimes, but it was an amazing show and we laughed out butts off.

(7/23) I slept in this morning and opted for a walk in the sunshine with my book instead of the gym. We're supposed to finally get some rain tomorrow so I did a little shopping and then transplanted one of my hydrangeas that needs more sun after it cooled off and planted a new one in it's place that will be happier there.

(7/24) I worked from home and helped C fill out his new hire paperwork. So proud of him!

(7/25) I worked in the building today and it was a meeting-full day. I was pretty wiped from a day of people-ing. We had pizza this evening and J and Dad made up a batch of cookies for dessert. Yum! After all the paperwork we filled out and submitted yesterday and not saying anywhere on the ad or in the interview, it turns out C cannot work there because he's not 18. Blah. Back to the drawing board.

(7/26) I slept in this morning and it was glorious. I missed my Zumba class, so went out for a walk with my book instead. D and I did the regular Wednesday WinCo trip. J said again and again how he was feeling too lazy to go and then was upset that we went without him. Doh! I made a roasted veggie dish for dinner that I haven't made in forever and D kept making faces at my ingredients. All the boys were shockingly "too full" to even try it. Uh-huh.

(7/27) I worked from home today and Dad and the boys were off. Poor J went in for separators today and they really had to wrestle them in. I imagine he's going to be feeling that later. We let him have a couple of popsicles afterward but he was still feeling pretty ouchy and grumpy.

(7/28) I worked from home and the rest of the men were off. C had a job interview this morning. We figured out how to filter for teen jobs and he feels much better about how this one went. He should find out on Monday.

(7/29) Happy Anniversary to us! Year 22. We went to Scuttlebutt for lunch and then to the distillery for a lil tasting. We came back home to grab the pupper and took him out to the dog park on our way home to try out the Nerf ball blaster. It took him a bit to focus on the gun instead of the of chuck-it and he ran hard for about five minutes. He's not a spring chicken anymore... J has found the end of the internet and wants to start logging off early to watch movies with us. We're starting him on the classics. First up: Robin Hood Men in Tights! He was in stitches throughout.

(7/30) We said yes to a foster pup and he made his way here this morning. Cute lil thing! Although I am having to follow him around with a squirt bottle to make him rethink some of his choices. Tonight's movie with J was Hot Shots. J loved it, but between the cookies we made earlier and all the snacks he was noshing, he made himself sick during the movie. He rallied and we finished the movie in good spirits.

(7/31) The SD card in my phone suddenly stopped working yesterday. Thankfully I was still able to pull off my photos so I could still put this post together. Mainly I just lost time reloading everything, which is annoying.

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