Friday, March 1, 2024

In Like a Lion

(1/23) I worked in the building today and Dad worked from home because J was still barkin'. I had a busy day of meetings and calls and am looking forward to a day off tomorrow!

(1/24) Well today definitely didn't go as planned. We sent J back to school but got called an hour later because his ear hurt and his eye was bothering him. Ran the monkey in to the walk-in and hopefully he'll be on the mend soon.

(1/25) I worked in the building today and Dad worked from home since J needed another day. After work we took River and Noodle to the Great Small Dog Race trials to see if they would qualify to race on the ice during a Silvertips game. Unfortunately both were eliminated, but we had fun trying!

(1/26) TGIF! J finally was feeling well enough to head back to school. I worked from home and Dad had the day off. Dad got to see S and W for a bit and helped transport a dresser since they're living close by during the week now. Hopefully we'll get to see them more often!

(1/27) We went up to my brother's house to celebrate Dad's birthday this afternoon. They had a hilarious cake and a fun Star Trek themed party. We had dinner and got engrossed in watching Chopped.

(1/28) The boys and I had a pretty relaxed day. I worked outside for a bit before the rain started and cleaned out the creeping thyme patch. It was looking a little ratty and I can't wait for it to fill in and bloom.

(1/29) I worked from home today and had to run out and take pictures of the beautiful sunrise. Dad woke up with the crud, so I may have been a bit heavy handed with the garlic in tonight's dinner.

(1/30) I worked in the building today and tried to stay busy since Granddad was going in for a procedure. Everything went great and we're all hopeful this was the answer!

(1/31) I ran up to meet Nanan this morning and took a look at her devices. We went for breakfast and I updated and fixed what I could so she should be back in business. Poor Dad was up all night coughing and went to the walk-in and came home with meds so hopefully he'll be on the med here soon.

(2/1) I worked in the building today and had my review this afternoon. I always stress about these things, and it was fast and painless and totally not worth the stress. Will I learn anything from this? Not likely.

(2/2) The rodent hath spoken: we should have an early spring! I worked from home, the boys had school and Dad had the day off. 

(2/3) I'm seeing signs of spring out there! I took a walk in the sunshine and bummed about the house for the day.

(2/4) Dad was still feeling under the weather so I took my coworker as my wine tasting partner. We had the perfect weather and really enjoyed most of the venues. The second one was hands-down our favorite and we both purchased there. Then we hit the bistro for lunch and sat out in the sunshine to enjoy our grub. We tried one more place and packed it in for the day.

(2/5) I worked from home today and the boys had school. Dad was still hacking up a lung and went back to the doctor this morning. He has a whole different set of meds now. Poor guy has been so miserable. 

(2/6) I worked in the building today and the men had work and school. Yay, my orchid is starting to bloom and it's finally not pitch black when I leave the office. 

(2/7) I had the day off today and picked up W to spend the day and give his mommy some time to herself. She warned me he hadn't slept well and he played hard all day, so when S came for dinner, he was *done* and was not about to leave her side. Thankfully she said he crashed out when they got home!

(2/8) I worked in the building today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. He was feeling better-ish today; enough at least to go grocery shopping.

(2/9) I worked from home today, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. It always cracks me up when Dad leaves the house with me working upstairs because the "symphony" goes off. The dogs carry on and on even with me hollering that I'm still here!

(2/10) I slept in a little and loafed around with the puppies for a while before going out for a walk in the sunshine. Once I got home, I pruned all the roses and fruiting plants and now I'm ready for spring!

(2/11) I'm glad I got all my outside work done yesterday because it was drippy and gross out today. I spent most of the day with my nose in a book, which was lovely. The twins made pizzas for lunch but managed to slop so much cheese off the sides that the oven needed to be cleaned. And since the oven was all sparkly-clean, I had to bake a pie.

(2/12) I worked from home today and the men had work and school. I had a tech out to look at my treadmill and think it's really dead this time. Boo.

(2/13) I worked in the building today. Work had a happy hour and it was so nice to sit and visit after a long day! I have the next two days off and am looking forward to sleeping in a little.

(2/14) Happy Valentine's Day! I treated the kiddos to candy before they headed to school and we ordered in Panda Express to spruce up our Chinese food Wednesday. I also picked us up an amazing pie from the Pie Co. I got to play with W for a bit while S took care of some things. He's turning into a backseat driver and says "Stop!" and "Go!" Funny guy!

(2/15) I took today off and had a quiet house all to myself after the boys were off at school. It was cold and yucky out, so I opted for a day of sloth and reading. It was very restful!

(2/16) I worked from home and the boys all had school. It's Miss River's gotcha day, and the pups celebrated with birthday bone cookies.

(2/17) I woke up not feeling so hot so did a whole lot of nothing today other than spend a lot of quality time with my book.

(2/18) Blah, just when I thought this ick was going to have a quick turn-around, I took a covid test which explained why I felt so crappy. Thankfully everyone else seems fine and I'll attempt to keep my germs to myself.

(2/19) I spent an exciting day upstairs by myself and did lots of reading and sleeping. I was excited to see my loan for the new Kristin Hannah came in, so yay for entertainment and nowhere else to be!

(2/20) I called out of work today, intending to sleep, and spent the day hanging out in my room. The boys had the day off for mid-winter break and were engrossed in video games all day downstairs.

(2/21) I had the day off, and once the men all left, had the house to myself. I got caught up on my trashy shows, read my book, and went out for a meander around the neighborhood. The boys were bummed this Wednesday didn't involve a WinCo trip, but I'm okay to be out in the world tomorrow, so I'll go get their faves.

(2/22) I worked from home, the boys had school, and Dad had the day off. I've been feeling fine these last few days so decided to retest this evening and am testing negative. Yay!

(2/23) I worked from home today and the kiddos had school. J had a rough day and the school called for me to come pick him up. He thought he'd be able to come home and play video games and quickly learned that was not the case.

(2/24) I had a company come out and haul away our dead treadmill this morning and ordered a new one. Dad and I got out of the house for a bit and went for lunch. I had a few errands to run after that and then came home so we could catch up on our shows.

(2/25) The kiddos and I had a lazy day. It was really windy and we lost power for a few minutes in the morning. It went out again a few hours later and didn't come back for several hours. The boys were horrified that even though the power came back the wifi didn't. They (barely) survived with offline games. But it was a close one.

(2/26) We had a little snow overnight and the schools were delayed by two hours. I worked from home and poor D rushed down in a panic thinking he was late. I made the boys waffles and let them play on their devices until it was time to go. The weather was crazy today, alternating from patchy blue sky to dime-sized hail.

(2/27) We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. I drove in to work and there was absolutely nothing in Lynnwood, 10 miles away. The kiddos had a two-hour delayed start and most of the snow had melted away by the time I got home.

(2/28) I had the day off today and spent the morning trying to finish my book before its due date tomorrow. A few more episodes of my show also dropped, so I just have to hope I have enough time to speed read tomorrow before it disappears! The kiddos opted to include sushi in with their Chinese food today. It was a tasty change-up!

(2/29) Leap Day! Sarah and I went for a chilly but thankfully dry walk this morning. I worked in the building, the kiddos had school, and Dad had the day off.

(3/1) My phone teased me saying we'd have snow last night, but I woke up to nothing but rain. It did try to snow this morning but it was too warm. Maybe we'll get some this weekend! 

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