Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hi Babies!!

LOL ~ status of C's "big brother squared" shirt... but yeah, totally appropriate!

(10/8) Happy wedding, Justin & Lisa!  I managed to find something that fit over the bump, and it wasn't even maternity.  Shocking!  We left the reception a little early and hit a hockey game (we lost: boo!) and had a nice evening to ourselves, as Nanan had C.  Dad picked out some "My Other Car is a Zamboni" onesies for the boys and got me a hockey mom key chain.  So sweet! 

(10/9) Since C was still away, we decided to go to the movies and see something more grown-up. We chose The Ides of March. Excellent film!  We chased it with Knocked Up after C returned & had gone to sleep.  It didn't kick labor into gear like with C, but both Dad and I had a simultaneous ice cream craving (yet he swears he's not pregnant!), and we indulged in some sundaes from B&R.  Yum!

(10/10) Knocked Up apparently worked its magic again.  I had been having contractions all afternoon, so called the fam on my way home from work and gave them a heads' up.  My contractions slowed down after I got home, so I decided to have some dinner.  After dinner, they resumed frequency to over 6 in a hour, which was the point my doctor said to just go in. 

Triage tried hydrating me to see if they could knock out the contractions, but it didn't work and we decided to proceed to c-section (repeat c-section since both boys were presenting breech).  The doctor on-call I had met two weeks ago and liked very much.  She had a c-section before me scheduled for 10pm, and because I had eaten, the earliest I should be having surgery was midnight.

Headed to the OR
(10/11)  We went back for our c-section and Denton James (5lbs13oz, 20") was born at 1:14am and Jensen Campbell (5lbs9oz, 19") was born at 1:16am.  It's a really good thing we went in, as Denton's cord was velamentous and it would've been a bad thing had my water broken, or if we decided to proceed with natural labor.

J gave us a bit of a scare and came out very gurgly.  He was almost sent down to the NICU, but by the time his ride arrived, they were satisfied with his breathing and he stayed in the OR with me.  They had given me a chance to give him a kiss beforehand, and decided it was Mom's kiss that made everything all better.

(10/12) Boys are both doing well.  They have met all the grandparents & their brother, plus a lot of our friends.  We're being well taken care of at the hospital. Since the boys arrived early, we scored Nurse Cathy O to care for us!  Yay!

Mom & J 10/12
We did a newborn shoot with the boys in the hospital today and got a few with C.  I'll be posting the pics from that as soon as I get them.

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