Monday, July 16, 2012

9 months

(7/10) Text from Kathy: This is what the babies each just ate: 1/2 a banana, 1/4 of an avocado, 1/2 thick slice of blueberry bread, 1/2 oz turkey, 1/4 cup Cheerios, and a 1/2 peach!  We're in big trouble when they hit their teens.

(7/11)  Snuck out for a nice run this mornng.  Unfortunately, the boys woke up about ten minutes after I left and were wide awake when I returned and were ready for breakfast.  After breakfast, we piled in the car and headed to the doctor for the twins' 9 month appointment, only to be met at the door by the nurses saying that the doctor was on vacation today.  Wha?  It looked like nobody on the list of appointments for the day got the notice.  We're rescheduled for next week.  Since the twins didn't get shots, we were able to join the preschool group for a playdate at Paine Field Park!  So nice to get some time in the sun!  The boys did some serious napping in the afternoon... I'm talking a 4+ hour nap!  They still wanted to go down at regular time too.

(7/12) Dear J, those last few minutes before the alarm goes off are my favorite.  Please wait until the alarm before waking.  Kthxbai. 

I fed J before I got ready to go, and then D started up just as I was leaving.  Poor Dad was up *early*.  The boys took nice naps for him though, and I even put J down for a power nap to make sure he made it to 9pm in hopes that he will sleep in tomorrow. 

Sleepy D
(7/13)  Oy.  And I thought 5:30am was early for J to be awake... this morning it was 4am.  Dad says if one more person asks him if the boys sleep today, he'll snap. 

J had a low-grade fever all day today.  Kathy said both boys slept a lot and that J was especially cuddly.  I can tell he's not feeling himself... D out-ate him at dinner tonight. 

(7/14) Another rough night of sleep.  I ended up giving D some ibuprofen because he was inconsolable at 3am.  Poor Dad was coming off a 12 hr day and had to work today, so he ended up leaving.  Thankfully, they did finally both knock off and didn't wake 'til the more respectable hour of 7:30. 

D has a new top tooth and J has 3 buds (one top, two bottom).  Explains the rough nights!

The itty bitty swim committee came with me to C's lesson this morning.  D sat the entire time (yay!!) and periodically would reach over and pull J's hair.  LOL!  J stood on my lap and grinned at the ladies in the hot tub and had a great time.  They both took 4+ hour naps today.  I sure am hoping for some decent sleep tonight!

J greeted me today with "Dada!" when I came into the room.  And has called me 'Dada' all evening.  So cute when they start figuring out words.

(7/15)  We took C to the Day Out With Thomas today.  The boys did really well - D was fascinated with the trains and wanted to touch them as we walked between them, and then watched out the window until he couldn't keep his eyes open any more.

Looks like D got two new top teeth... so he's got 4 on top & 2 on the bottom.  Last night was a relatively good night of sleeping, yet they were still up 3 times each.  No wonder we're walking zombies. 

(7/16) Happy Monday! 

Some video of C & J playing:

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