Monday, July 2, 2012

June 26th-July 2nd

(6/26) Poor C must have the flu.  I came home early to a feverish boy that couldn't keep anything down.  He slept most of the day away and I tried to keep him apart from his brothers the best that I could.  I really don't want the little guys to get sick.

(6/27)  C is feeling much better, but couldn't hold down his breakfast.  We decided another day of rest would be a good idea.  We spent a quiet day in, even though it was beautiful. We did step outside for a popsicle and a little bit of work on the garden though.

(6/28) C was feeling well enough to go to gymnastics, so Dad hauled the troop out for that, and for some time at the park.  And this evening Granddad came over so Dad and I could have a date night!  Yay!  The twins had a rough go of it.  Once J gets tired, he's done and just needs to go to bed.  Well, in doing that, Granddad sneezed, which scared J and he just lost it.  But they were asleep when we got home, so we'll consider this a success. 

(6/29) J is so cute!  He has figured out how to clap. He is sitting SO well too ~ for long periods of time.  He sometimes forgets that he is sitting and flings himself backward, but is generally doing well with his new skill.

(6/30) Rough night. D kept kicking Dad, and literally kicked him out of bed. I had a running date in the morning, so I woke him again at 7 to head out. Came back and was glad to see they had all gone back to bed for a bit. After everyone woke up, we had breakfast, and then went for a humid walk to Starbucks with Sarah & her boys.  It was nap time when we got home.  C still isn't feeling so great, so he and I chilled while the babies slept.

Looks like D is the proud owner of tooth #4!  That makes the boys even! 2 top & 2 bottom.

(7/1) Little boys woke up nice and early, so were ready for mid-morning naps before lunch.  They woke up not long after we had finished unloading groceries and then had lunch.  C & I went out to his friend's birthday party and Dad said they took nice, long afternoon naps while we were gone.  We had a yummy dinner together and before I knew it, it was bedtime again. 

(7/2) Dear D, sleeping is a good thing.  You seem to enjoy it, so let's do away with the midnight screamfest?  Zzz.

Both Dad and I are working today, so Kathy has the kiddos. Hope they have a nice day.

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