Monday, September 17, 2012

Eleven Months

(9/11) Happy elevensies!

Ahh, vacation! We went to the park after breakfast today with Sarah & fam.  D kept eating the bark.  Seriously, it's like we don't feed them. J would at least pile it up, giving me a chance to distract D from more fiber. 

The boys got to go on the swings for the first time and they loved it!  It's definitely time to go get the boys shoes.  J is so close to walking, and I had them roaming around in their socks today. 

(9/12) I want a do-over for today.  I caught some kind of bug that knocked me flat.  I'm soooo glad that Dad was home to watch kiddos, because I was only up for short stints, and little things like changing the twins was completely exhausting. 

(9/13)  Hooray!  I felt human again today!  The twins and I had a lazy day, and Dad ferried C to school and back.  J helped me do the dishes (he unloads and drools - both important duties!), and both boys helped me eat everything in record time.  Read: they ate all my food.  Good thing I wasn't very hungry.

J stood for 10 seconds today!  He is furniture cruising like nobody's business, and walking is just around the corner. 

(9/14) Nice day today.  Dad was back at work, but we spent a quiet day together. We dropped C off at kindy and then came home so the twins could nap. Everyone was in a great mood this evening, and we had a fun time.  I had J in stitches ~ every time he would crawl by, I would tickle him him and then he'd roll over giggling and come back for more.  Silly boy!

D pulled up to a stand all by himself today.  Yay, D!

(9/15) Met up with Sarah today and we took the littles to Sbux and the park.  It has been a LOOONG time since we've pushed just little ones in the strollers to the park.  Brings back fond memories. On the way, we passed a garage sale selling lots of baby toys, so I picked up a walker and a riding giraffe for a whopping $3.  Then we walked all the way home.  I'm sure I was quite the sight.  J shared his seat with the giraffe and the walker was hanging out of the stroller's basket.  The boys were so exhausted by all that walking that they were zonked when we got back.  Thankfully, my boys let me bring them home, feed them lunch, and then put them down again for a marathon nap (3 hrs!).

(9/16) Last day of staycation for me! We're off to collect C from Granddad's and Grandma's and take C to swim lessons.  Then home for a lazy day. Love Sundays.

(9/17) And back to work I gooooooo...

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