Monday, November 26, 2012

November 20-26th

(11/20) Heehee, J now says "Go!" but puts his arms up like he wants up. Kathy said the little guys had a good day, but the big guys butted heads. They act like they're brothers.

I got some scary news that my dad (Granddad) is in the hospital.  He went in last night for an abscess.  We're hoping for a quick recovery!    

(11/21) Whirlwind day today. C had swim, and then I remembered his early release wrong and took him directly to school only to realize it opened 45 mins later.  Oops.  So I dropped him with Kathy, and ran the twins home for a snack and play time before nap. We then scooted over to grab Jax from preschool and then home for nap. Nanan came a few hours later and wrangled all the kids (including my niece, Audrey) for a few hours while Jake and I went to visit Dad. The littles were in bed by the time we got back and the bigger two were running laps around the house.

(11/22) Happy Thanksgiving! We decided to have a small dinner here for the kids and invite Nanan.  I had a half marathon in the morning and got home around 2p.  Dad cooked quite the spread, and we won the stuffing war by default this year since Granddad's hospital stuffing was NOT the same. The twins practiced with bowls and spoons today, eating some homemade applesauce.  Yum!  They had huge dinners and nice, big bellies after dinner like the rest of us.

(11/23) I was once again off and running today.  I'm doing 4 half marathons over 4 days and today's was down in Gig Harbor (1.5 hrs away).  Nanan came to watch the kiddos again today and stayed until I got back. They were just waking up as I walked in the door. Figures!  But she stayed until I had gotten warmed up a little.  C was away on a play-date with Jordan, and came home late in the afternoon. We had a repeat dinner from last night, and once again enjoyed it thoroughly!

(11/24) Nanan watched the boys today while I ran all over tarnation.  I ran a half marathon in the morning, went to lunch, then ran to the expo for tomorrow's race, and finally off to visit my dad.  He's looking SO much better! I am so relieved!  They are talking about him going home on Monday. 

Twinsies were "starving" when I got home (in quotes, because they can always eat) and I ended up high-chairing D because the stinker will not stop climbing on the train table and I needed to cook.  Well, J assumed it was time to eat *again* and fell apart, wailing for more food.  Mind you, he had eaten about 10 minutes earlier and I was cooking for myself.  Sigh.

(11/25) Last half for the weekend. Dad had the kiddos today, and I once again ran allllll over Seattle.  I was out with the girls much longer than I anticipated, and the twins were up from their nap when I got home.  Dad went to grocery shop and the twins and I stayed home.  C spent the night at Nanan's, and still wasn't back, so it was just the little guys and I hanging out.  I pulled D off the train table no less than 52 times and have tried numerous things to redirect him.  J has figured out "uh-uh" and will get down. D just thinks it's hilarious.. and I may have inadvertently paired tickling him with climbing on the table since he laughs and laughs when I take him down.  Goofus.  We had a nice dinner together once C got home and had some family time for the rest of the evening.

(11/26) Yay, I get to sleep in!  Oh wait.  I was probably supposed to do that sometime this weekend. Oh well.  Dad has the kiddos today and we're off to another week!

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