Monday, November 12, 2012

Thirteen Months

(11/6) Election Day!  C and I were glued to the television tonight and I let him stay up, coloring in the states until they called them.  He'll probably be grumpy tomorrow, but I don't care!

I love D's crazy hair!
Kathy said J was beating up D today.  They seem to take turns at this, and it cracks me up every time D pats/slaps J on the head.  I know it shouldn't, but it makes me laugh. J climbs on/over/through D too, so I'm sure it all evens out.  I'm just there to supervise and make sure all the "owies" get kissed. 

J likes to stick his fingers in D's mouth, which means D will bite him, so I have to monitor that.  We say "no" and J just shakes his head, smiles and goes back to whatever it was we just told him not to do.  Stinker.

(11/7) This morning we had swim for C, and then Nanan came while C and I went to kindergarten.  The boys have still not adjusted to Standard time and are waking at between 6-7a and are having a hard time making it noon for lunch/naps.  D fell asleep at the end of swim today (10a).  Doh!

It was tough to keep the boys up, but they made it to bedtime, and went down without a peep.

(11/8) Poor Dad had to deal with the workers today, and juggle kids.  They put in the floors, which meant moving the fridge and stove out into the living room, effectively eliminating all the play space for the twins.  It was a pretty miserable day for everyone.  The workers took a long break, and they assumed we'd be okay with having our fridge in our living room until Monday.  Uhm, no.  So they had to come back and fix that. Finally our kitchen was done enough that the twins got to go back to playing in there!  Yay for Tupperware all over again?

But our new floor is AWESOME!  I love no longer having a *white* floor! When you live with four boys and forget and wear your own dirty shoes in... Let's just say this makes me deliriously happy!

(11/9) Work day for us and the kiddos were at Kathy's.  She said everything went well today.  We booked it home to have a few hours together before bed, and I was thankful Friday night traffic was pretty decent, and that I was able to pick them up a little earlier than normal.

(11/10) Today was long and frustrating. We unfortunately shared our plague (norovirus) from last week with Nanan and she was unable to watch the boys for me while I was at a run.  I decided to just stay home and keep our germs contained today. I did get in a few miles with Sarah before the boys woke, but my happy sure didn't last long.

Both boys, but particularly D, shriek when they're ready for food. Between their screeches and C whining, I was about ready to pull my hair out before 9 am.  Since we didn't have hockey (no ice today), or any other commitments, I was looking forward to just having a chill day.  Yeah, not so much.  C and I were at each other all day.

You can hear D screaming in the background of this video, where I was really trying to get J grooving to the music, but gave up after Mr. Clingy would not let me.  I brought the Cuddletunes bear down and once I get the a/c cord back for my computer (long story), I'll upload some more upbeat songs for J.  He loves to turn on the kids' laptop and leave it running the jingle that says "Choose a category!" over and over and over again.  When I turn it off and he hears it say "Goodbye!" he comes back over to turn it on.   Anyway, the bears are MP3 players and have buttons on their paws. J figured it out fast, and later I saw him testing all the rest of his toys.

I did manage to sneak in a little sleep while the boys were down (I think *I* am the grumpy one from lack of sleep all this week), and it helped a little.  I watched the clock a lot this evening and willed it to bedtime.

Monkeys! J climbing on top of the giraffe into the easel.
(11/11) Veteran's Day ~ Thank you to everyone that has served. 

Today was a HUGE improvement over yesterday.  For one thing, C had a play-date, which got him out of the house for some fun.  The little boys and I had the morning to ourselves since Dad went shopping and then went out to pick up a bed/desk for C.  The twins will get the bunk beds once they're old enough. 

D took a step this morning!  He was hanging onto the easel and J was a few steps to his right.  He let go of the easel long enough to turn and pounce on J.  He's also standing & cruising much more than dropping to a crawl. 

After C came home and the littles were down for a nap, he and I went over to Sarah's.  Sarah and I walked to Starbucks and then to the used baby store, where I scored new coats for the twins for $10!  Win!  I also picked up a few more crib sheets, as two is not enough when one or both are in the wash!

(11/12) Happy Monday!  Today we're supposed to be getting our counter tops done and then I think we're done with Leakfest 2012?!  Finally!

Update: No such luck.  The plumber is off today, so it's looking like we may be out a kitchen sink for a few days.  Eye roll.  

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