Monday, December 10, 2012

December 4th-10th

(12/4)  Dinner was so fun with Oma and Opa last night!  The boys were exhausted and D kept rubbing mac & cheese covered hands in his eyes. But they were really well behaved, even with that.  Dad discovered that J's top molars have come through. This will make 6 teeth on the top, 4 on the bottom.  D has bumps, but his haven't quite poked through yet.

They are routinely waking at 11:30p and crying hard. Sometimes it's one, sometimes the other.  Usually they just cry for a few minutes and then go back to sleep.  I'm not sure if it's nightmares or teething or a combo.

Anyhow, Tuesday was a good day.  The boys were with Kathy and then we came home to the dinner/bedtime rush.  We're working on using a spoon.  Can you tell?

D eats yogurt. He even gets it on his eyelashes. LOL!

(12/5) Today was a very chill day. I stayed home while C was at school.  The boys had a good, long nap, and even Jax took a nap while he was here.  3 kids napping = win!  I soaked up the quiet while I could.

They boys had fun trying on hats tonight, and playing in the toy box.

(12/6) Dad had the kids today and it was a busy-run-around day.  We ended up selling our extra car and have a sale pending on a pop-up trailer!  Can't wait for camping season!  I may buy leashes for the twins now. I kid, I kid.

I worked today and then took a class, so got to play with twinsies for a little bit before taking them upstairs to bed.  Dad said they had a good day.

(12/7) Tonight was my work's Christmas party, and we both worked a morning shift. We got all the boys up at 5:30a.  D kept saying "night-night" all the way over to Kathy's.  She said they went down for their first nap around 8:30a. We picked them up at 1:30p and then ran them home where Nanan took over, and had them overnight while we were away.  Nanan said they needed one more nap to get through the day until bedtime.  Sounds like they had a great time!

(12/8) We had a fun night and returned around 11a.  Nanan said the twins woke around 9a and talked until close to 10a.  They were ready for a nap around 11:30 when I got back, so I kissed their fuzzy heads, put them down, and ran to collect C from hockey.  The twins slept until probably 2p.  We piled in the car for a trip to the grocery store (yes, we are exciting!), and then came home for more play time and dinner.

I caught J climbing onto the kitchen chairs twice today.)  D is equally naughty and stands up in his high chair if he's not strapped in.  I didn't strap him in today at dinner and he ended up getting both feet on his tray, so he was effectively stuck.  Boys!

J is consistently taking a few steps here and there.  He crashed hard today and bonked his cheek on the train table, and now has a line where he hit it.  Poor monkey.

Crap. Look at J's new trick.

(12/9) Yay!  Lazy Sunday on tap! We slept in and the twins stayed home with a parent while we each ran errands.  Dad took the baby stuff the boys have outgrown to a friend's and I ran C to Michael's for Christmas crafts (ornaments and a gingerbread tree).  J ended up with an impromptu bath after lunch since he decided to wear it and smear yogurt through his hair.  And we have pulled him down off the chairs no less than 32 times today.  He also managed to climb up and spill C's eggnog.  Sigh.

Speaking of eggnog, it appears they are fans.  D was *begging* for a drink, which attracted the attention of his brother, and so we had this:

(12/10) Happy Monday!  Work day for me and the boys are with their dad.

And the stockings were hung over the changing table with care.. 
Our Christmas decor this year, since we're not doing a tree.

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