Monday, December 31, 2012

December 25th-31st

(12/25) Merry Christmas!  We woke up and saw that Santa had filled our stockings.  The twins got some animal cookies and stacking cups in theirs.  We headed over to Granddad's for big Santa gifts and breakfast with the group.  Santa brought the twins a kitchen, which I know they will love.  I just need to put it together.  They got a great assortment of toys/clothes/necessities, and got to help unwrap lots of stuff. They inhaled three Dutch Babies between them, a big pile of eggs, and had a couple of other things.  One would think we didn't feed them!

We had a really nice day just hanging out.  The twins took a pretty short nap, so I catnapped them before dinner too.  We had a big dinner filled with family and friends. I love Christmastime!

J de-decorating the tree
(12/26)  Girls' Day today!  Uncle Jake and Granddad wrangled all the children while Mama snuck out to to get a mani/pedi with Grandma & the aunts. Audrey opened her presents after dinner, and all the sudden it was late, and we piled in the car to come on home.

Christmas morning!
(12/27) The bonus to having a big family is multiple Christmases!  We had dinner with Nanan, Jake, Amber, & Audrey tonight. Nanan brought the twins some cute clothes and fun toys.  The ball toy was a huge hit! Jake and Amber brought them a musical dump truck and a piano.  I have pretend food from their kitchen allllll over now, and the twins keep bringing it over to tell me they're hungry.

J is very clear on the "all gone" sign.  He brought me an animal cookie box and signed "all gone," looked in the box and signed it again, and then held up the box and signed it again (as if it wasn't clear).  He also signs "all gone" when he removes one toy from another.

On the walking front, J is walking everywhere. He just turns around and goes - no problem!  He plops down when I say "Good walking!" or "Walking boy!"  I think I probably distract him.  D is the same way - I try to set him on his feet and his legs get noodley, and he won't stand.  But once he's up, he'll walk to me.

J is really excited about toothpaste
(12/28) Today was lovely!  The boys and I had a chill morning and then Grandma came over after I had put the littles down to watch boys while Granddad and I went back to his house to play cards.  We kept meaning to, but with watching the littles, we just never got to over Christmas.  We played until around 4p, and then went to go pick up Jordan so he could spend the night with C.  I made fish burritos tonight and the little boys were a *mess.*  Good thing they're washable!

J in new UW jammies!
(12/29) I made blueberry waffles this morning, which everyone inhaled. Jordan and C finished their Star Wars movie and then I turned on Spaceballs.  A lot of the humor was over their heads, but it was still fun for me.  Dad worked today and I had an adult party to attend, so Granddad and Grandma came to watch boys.  Thank goodness, because Mama was about ready to lose her mind with all the noise. I came home to sleeping kids and a very clean house ~ thank you!!

Spoiled much?  Cute Dawg fans tho!
(12/30) Lazy Sunday today.  C and I went to Chuck-E-Cheese's for Jordan's 6th birthday and the littles stayed with Dad.  They were napping when we got back, so I decided to join in, but of course they woke up just as soon as I started to nod off.  Dad graciously watched them while I caught a few winks.  When I woke up, the house smelled delicious and I had two very hungry boys racing to the gate.  D kept alternating between saying "Nana" (banana), "Num-num," "Night-night," and screaming to tell me how hungry he was, even after we gave him a small snack.  J was signing "more" and raising just as much of a ruckus.  They finally got to inhale their dinner, and then went in for a bath.

(12/31) Happy last day of 2012!  It has been a fun year, and I cannot believe how fast it has flown by.  Dad and I both have to work today, so I'll probably be all kinds of lame and go to bed before the ball drops.  Although, C has requested that I wake him at midnight to see the fireworks.  I better set my alarm!

J waving bye!

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