Monday, January 7, 2013

January 1st-7th

Hockey is hard
(1/1) Happy New Year!  I had the day off and kicked it off with a half marathon.  Nanan watched the boys for me.  I came home to napping kiddos, and then we went over to Granddad's to play games and have dinner.  Jake, Amber, & Audrey all came and it was a fun family-filled day!

(1/2)  Back to life as usual.  Well, kind of.  I worked today, even though it was a Wednesday.  The kiddos were at Kathy's.  Kathy said they had to do a lot of rearranging because J is a little monkey and is into EVERYTHING now that he is walking!  

(1/3)  Dad had the kiddos today and ended up with an extra one after school.  I asked him if he was ready for 4 kids now, and he glared at me.  (We are done, but I can tease!)  I came home after class to two *tired* little boys.  J was on the blanket pile and didn't even come over to see me. He fussed and rubbed his eyes. And D parked himself right in my lap.  Silly boys.  Granddad had C this evening, so it was a very quiet night after the little guys went down!

(1/4)  Another busy work day for me today.  Both of us worked, and the boys went over to Kathy's around 11:30. C is having a rough time adjusting to being back at school so it was a rocky day...  He had a play at the Children's Theatre tonight, and Nanan came to get him before I got home.  I had the twins to myself again tonight and after they went down, I zoned out and watched TV until C got home.  It'll be good to have all the boys home to get settled back into a routine, and soon!

Kathy said the twins are now signing "eat"... a lot.  They ask to eat and say "num-num-num" allll the time.  Methinks they're growing.

(1/5) I was feeling lazy today, so in lieu of a run, I stayed home for cinnamon rolls (duh!).  We had a great morning bumming around the house and then packed up mid-morning to go to hockey.  The boys played for about half the time climbing the bleachers and such.  I finally had to corral them back in their stroller because big brother needed more than just a half-eye on him during practice.  D conked out while I walked them around the rink while J just got crabby.  I was surprised that he didn't zonk during the ride home.  He took a nice, long nap once we got home, but I had to bring D back down after a half hour of chatting.  I didn't want him to wake his brother.  The rest of the evening was very low-key and much-needed after a week of rush-rush-rush. 

(1/6)  Game day for C!  Dad got the boys up while I was out for a run, and then we piled in the car to head for hockey.  The boys climbed all over the bleachers, and us, and more of us.  With about 15 minutes to go, we took them upstairs to warm up.  They fell asleep on the way home, and we took them straight up for a nap.  They mostly woke up and chatted for about an hour before I gave up and brought them back down.

(1/7)  Happy Monday!  Dad has the kids today and I am back at work.

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