Monday, January 14, 2013

Fifteen Months

(1/8)  Whirlwind Tuesday.  We both had to work, and the kiddos were with Kathy.  By the time I get them home and fed, it's bedtime.  Sounds like everyone had a good day.

J is a full-time walker now. D is close, but is still hesitant to let go. D has also started plugging his nose and saying "Nose-nose-nose." It's very cute!

(1/9)  Love my Wednesdays with my kids!  We had a chill morning and then headed to take C to school.  I grabbed sushi on the way, for a lunch date with my brother.  I put the babies down for a nap as soon as we got home, Jake arrived and we had a nice lunch.  The babies slept all the way until it was time to go fetch C from school.  We had a great rest of the evening!  C and I played Sorry and tried very hard to keep the babies from grabbing our pieces.  C is getting way too good at that game. I'm going to have to start cheating.

Up on the table in 5...4...3
(1/10) The boys were with their dad today.  I worked and then took a class, so didn't see much of them.  On Thursday nights, I have to stand to eat dinner if I don't want to share. I tried to give them Cheerios, but J fell on floor in a big show of drama.  Clearly, I am the meanest mom ever.

(1/11) Fifteen months today.  Shew.

Work day for Dad & me.  I picked the littles up from Kathy this evening and J immediately went over and pointed behind the TV.  Apparently, a ball got stuck there and he wanted me to get it.  Goofus.

(1/12) Busy Saturday.  Dad watched the kiddos while I took a class before he left for work.  Once I got home, we piled in the freezing van (the side doors froze again last night, so I had to load the kiddos through the front) and headed to C's hockey practice.  I fed the twins lunch while we were there and they were beyond ready for a nap once hockey was over.  After the sandwich was gone, and they had played on the bleachers, they weren't having anything to do with me walking them around the arena.  Sigh.  They treated me to a symphony of raspberries and "Nose-nose-nose" on the way home and crashed within minutes of being put down. C went to play at Jordan's, so I had a quiet house for a while.  Score!

(1/13) The littles were chatting away when I got back home from the gym this morning.  I got them up and fed, and we got to hang out for the morning while C and Dad went to his hockey game.  He scored his very first goal today!!  They went out to lunch to celebrate ~ which was a good thing, because we were starving, and I had lunch on the table at 11a.  I put the boys down for a nap around 11:30a, and we three crashed.  The twins slept until 2:30p, and chased each other around the kitchen for a while until it was time to go to Granddad's for birthday dinner for Dad.  The twins were bottomless pits, and they ate until they both had little Buddha bellies. They even nommed on some cake.  Yum!

D is working on saying "All gone" and says it when I say "Bye-bye."  He also learned "door" today.  The boys were standing at the sliding glass door, so I said what it was, and D kept saying "door," and putting his forehead on it.  Then J came over and would yell "DOOR," and bonk his head on it.  Sheesh.  D also says "Hello" and will hold a long conversation with me... even if I don't know what he's saying.  He's pretty insistent about whatever it is too!

(1/14) Happy Monday again!  Dad has the kiddos today and I am at work.

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