Monday, March 11, 2013

Seventeen Months

(3/5) Everybody went to Sarah's today while Dad & I worked.  Sarah said it was much easier now that the twins are older.  They had a great day and since Grandma had grabbed C from school, it was just the two of us moms and three littlest for dinner.  I grabbed Mexican take-out and we had a lovely dinner.  The twins were both rubbing their eyes by the time we got home and went straight to bed.  Too much fun wore them out.

(3/6) Today was my day to volunteer in C's classroom and Nanan watched the little guys.  They showed off their furniture-climbing skills and wore the hooded towels she brought them on their heads like capes.  J really enjoys wearing costumes and necklaces.  He wears C's old engineer costume around and gets downright mad when you take it off.

I did a lot of cooking today.  I made crock-pot enchiladas, roasted some potatoes, and then tried roasting collard greens into chips.  Turns out the twins really like collard greens, and they would not leave me alone with them.  LOL!

(3/7) Dad had the kiddos today and I took a class after work, putting me home late so I didn't see much of them. Dad worked with a friend today to get the trailer wired for their camping trip.  They were unsuccessful,  but there's still a little time to get ready for the inaugural trip at the end of the month.

(3/8) Dad had the kiddos until school time.  Then C went to school and the twins got to go to Sarah's.  They had lunch #2 and a nap.  Sarah said she had to wake D at 5:15p.  Tired boy!  I picked them up after work and we went home to dinner.  I gave the twins some leftover roasted potatoes and put some ketchup on them.  The twins *loved* it!  Dinner was a mish-mash of this and that, and required a full strip-down after.  You know you've had a good meal when you need a whole new outfit, right?

(3/9) What a gorgeous day!  We all piled in the car and went to hockey practice.  D had an impressive diaper... all the way down to his sock.  Ew.  Raul took C in since I was going to be a minute.  Got D redressed and headed down to C.   After getting him dressed, I discovered his helmet was broken and that we had forgotten his gloves.  C likes to wear his gear while watching hockey in support, and must have left them where I didn't see them.  Sigh.  We visited the gear guy and got fixed up, renewed his gear for next season and then settled in to have some lunch.  After lunch, the twins took a lap around the arena and that was all they had in 'em.  By this time, hockey was almost over, so they didn't take their normal hockey nap and actually made it til they got home to sleep.  Yay!  We met Sarah at the trail after they woke up to go for a walk in the sunshine.  C tested out his new roller blades on the trail--so it was a slow walk, but it was nice to be out in the beautiful weather nonetheless.  After working up an appetite, we headed home to dinner and then it was bedtime.

(3/10) Spring forward, and the twins are still up early.  I heard the boys at the new 6:30a.  Yawn.  But whichever one it was went back to sleep until 7:15a, when I finally dragged my butt out of bed to go run.  Dad got the boys up after 8am and I rejoined the house at 9.  We had breakfast, and then C was off to his last hockey game of the season.  He and Dad went to lunch after to celebrate a great season.  The littles and I got to hang out and have a nice, quiet morning.  I got their kitchen built during nap and we went to Sarah's house to celebrate Jamie's second birthday this afternoon!  Happy Birthday, Jamie!  We left around 6, when the twins were extra cuddly and acting sleepy.  They ran around for another hour, but then went right down at the new normal time without a peep.

J is now saying "uh-oh" and "dip-dip," and barks and meows when he sees a dog or cat.  D uses everything as a phone.  And even held the diaper cream up and said, "Yeah? Yeah!" while holding it to his ear.  Hilarious!

(3/11) Seventeen months today.  Times flies when you're having fun, eh?

Oof, Monday came early.  Happy DST, or something.  I am off to work today and Dad has the boys.

Friday night conversations at the train table.

Enjoying their new kitchen!

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