Monday, January 6, 2014

December 31st-January 6th

(12/31) New Year's Eve ~ Short work day for both Dad and me today.  I worked 7-noon and Dad worked noon-4pm.  He dropped the kiddos with me on the way in and I took them home for mac & cheese.  Nanan came to watch the twinsies this evening while we went to celebrate Rob's birthday with the Silvertips.  We rented a suite, dressed up, because it was classy hockey night, and had a ball!  C went with us, eventually got bored, and was sucked into a game of Bad Piggies.  The Tips lost, and a few of us moseyed back to our house, but we were home for the 9pm ball drop in New York.  I tried to stay awake for midnight and failed, so Dad had to wake both C & me for fireworks on the Needle.  Then it was back to bed again promptly.

(1/1) I was off from work today and Dad cooked us up some blintzes that Oma and Opa had dropped off.  The twins downed four bowls of Cheerios and yogurt to (hopefully) slow them down since we didn't have many blintzes to split between the five of us.  They were delicious!  Dad had to work this evening, and the rest of us spent the day in our pajamas. C said it was the best day ever! 

D & his Moose
(1/2) Work day for me and the kiddos were home with Dad. The boys were disasters today.  C nailed himself on the corner of the wall and gave himself a big ol' goose egg, and Cass got overly excited to see me this evening and scratched D on the face with a paw.  There's a pretty gnarly cut going through his right eye now.  It's just a surface scratch and doesn't seem to have gotten his eye.  Or at least D isn't complaining about it. 

He stands on the pup, who chews on the Moose,
who listens to one boy read, and the other one yells out BATTERIES!
(1/3) Work day for Dad & me, and Kathy had the kiddos.  I got cut loose early though, and had just enough time to run some errands before the littles woke up and I had to go pick everyone up.  C has been on a reading bender, and finished his third book in three days.  And he says he doesn't like to read. 

(1/4) Sarah very graciously offered to watch the twins while I took C to hockey.  I offered up Mexican food after, and that was a good bribe to get C on the ice and behave himself.  The twins were so excited to go to "Maymie's house!" and I didn't even get their coats off before they were back in her play room.  C had a pretty decent practice, and I got to sit and listen to my book while I watched him play.  So nice!  After a yummy lunch at Sarah's, I took the littles home and put them to bed.  C busied himself working on various Lego inventions and I got some work done around the house. 

(1/5) Today was so fun!  We bummed around this morning until C had to leave for his first hockey game of the season.  He scored a hat trick (three goals) and did awesome in goal!  Way to go!  I asked if he wanted us all to come, but he said he didn't like so many people around him when he comes off the ice... humble much?  Goofus!  And anyway, it's nice that he has that time with his dad.  Hockey two days in a row for me is too much, and I'm very glad to share.  After hockey, the boys came home and I put the littles down, and then took off for a walking tour of Everett with Sarah & her mom.  I returned 2.5 hours later, and then had to run to Home Depot because our dining room light died. We hadn't yet replaced the fixture, and it was one of those that required those expensive, circular bulbs. Dad swapped it out in time for gaming night.  I don't think we've had the gang over since we moved downstairs when the boys were ten months old? Yikes. Way too long!  C was really in to playing games, and the twins perched like birds on the back of my chair trying to grab the treats at the table.  They're almost as bad as the dogs! We stayed up too late, but it was worth it to see everyone.  Looking forward to the next one!

Burrito night
Happy hat trick boy!
(1/6) Back to routine for all of us.  Work for me, school for C, and Dad has the littles.  Well, for part of the day anyway.  Lucky littles get to go bake cookies with Grandma this morning!  D yells "A-mama's house!  COOKIE!" whenever we drive in their direction.  He has Grandma wrapped around his little finger!  I know they will have a good time.


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