Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 14th-20th

(1/14) Work day for me and Dad was home today recovering from the flu.  Thankfully he was feeling well enough to hang with the kiddos, and didn't look as much like death warmed over as he did last night.  I hope this is the end of the crud at our house!

(1/15) I volunteered in C's classroom this morning while Dad watched the littles.  It was lunchtime when I got home, followed by nap time.  After we picked up C from school, I loaded up all the bikes and we went to the park to catch some sunshine.  I took the twins' trikes and J screamed when I moved his bike, tried to put him on it, etc.  So much so that a friendly gal asked if I needed any help. LOL!  J later discovered C's bike and was all about that.  He just didn't want anything to do with his own.  D figured it out, and that also made J mad.  Somebody didn't get enough nap, I don't think.  After we finished playing at the park, we made a run to the library.  The boys ran around shouting out the letters on the carpet... So much for being quiet.  I would have taken more pictures, but of course my phone was dead by then.  Home for dinner and bedtime. It was a fun day.

(1/16) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  We had pizza tonight, and as soon as I walked in, D was chirping for more "PT!"   I finally gave in to the beggars at my feet and gave them some more.

(1/17) Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kiddos today.  Kathy said the twins managed the walk to and from school with no problem!  They are good little walkers!  C lost his screen time this afternoon so was in an incredibly foul mood.  Everything was boring and horrible and I was again the meanest mom ever.  (I do my job well!)   The littles had a good day from the sounds of things, and I made up ravioli to make the big one shoosh about what a horrible, rotten, no good, very bad day he had.  He still complained, but ate a lot.

(1/18) No ice today, so we took advantage of the time to go to the park again. Only it was foggy, cold and everything was wet.  The littles had a grand time pushing their cars through the puddles and getting soaking wet, until they got cold. Once at least half the kids broke down, we decided to call it and reconvened at Sarah's house for more playtime and lunch.  We brought Jor home with us at nap time to play and the boys made camp on the landing, tobogganed down the stairs on cardboard boxes and had a blast when they were not "bored" because MeanMom™ struck again and wouldn't let them turn on the TV.  We had Jor until dinnertime, and I never did go out to get Dad a b-day cake... Sorry, Dad. Happy b-day though.  We love you and will celebrate tomorrow!

(1/19) I spent a nice day with the family.  Dad ran out to do some shopping, I escaped briefly to catch a class at the gym, and then Nanan came after nap to watch the kiddos so I could take Dad out for his birthday.  We went to the Japanese Steakhouse and had the place to ourselves because of the Hawks game (that we weren't watching).  We were going to go to a scotch tasting before dinner, but I'm kind of glad they were closed because omg!  Back at home, we had some TV to catch up on and a movie for later.  I'll file this under date night success.  Why yes, we are wild and crazy.

(1/20) Yay!  Off today for the holiday! I have some decluttering on the docket today, and am creating a Lego/art place for C. I plan to do some rearranging of furniture today during nap.  More excitement.  Wee!

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