Monday, May 19, 2014

May 13th-19th

(5/13)  Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kids.  I guess the boys took monster naps today.  Good thing since my cousins, aunt & uncle were in town and we had a dinner date at Granddad's!  Grandma sat with the kids at dinner so I had the rare opportunity to actually visit.  That was so nice!  The boys had a great time playing inside and out.  I felt like I had gotten smacked upside the head by allergies or something today, and even left work a few hours early to go sleep off some of the medication I took to try to get a handle on it.  I still felt like crap, but had a fun evening and lasted as long as I could before taking everyone home and putting the kids and myself to bed. 

(5/14) Work day for Dad & I had the kids.  I started the morning off working in C's classroom and listened to a bunch of kids read.  There has been a lot of improvement since the last time I listened!  The littles went down shortly after I got home and I took the time to work out in the yard, clearing the vegetable beds. I think I have four kinds of sage if anybody needs any.  Oh, and some thyme.  And one mystery plant whose tag wandered away.  When my allergies go away and I can breathe again I might be able to identify it by smell. We'll see.  I woke the boys to go get C from school and the sillies played out in the pool even though it was just barely 70 degrees.  I made dinner and then we met Sarah and her boys at the park after for some more playtime before bed. 

(5/15) Work day for me & Dad had the kids.  After work, C had hockey so the bigs left right after I got home.  The littles and I got some cuddle & play time in before they went to bed.  They are such goofballs.

(5/16)  Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kids.  I had book club this evening so the plan was for Granddad to come watch the boys after work.  I met Granddad at the house after picking up the kids, got dinner started and was about to leave when Dad walked in.  He had forgotten about book club and arranged to take in a foster kiddo through Monday.  Quickest babysitting for Granddad ever!  Granddad went home, I left for book club, the littles went down and then our foster boy arrived.  He came armed with Nerf guns, and C was instantly in hog heaven.  Dad said they played from the minute he arrived until it was past bedtime.  Sounds like a real nice kid - can't wait to meet him!

(5/17) C called this morning a "boy party" ~ we had 6 boys in the house, not including us parents.  It was a zoo!  But I am happy to say the house is still standing. I told D yesterday that Jor and Jamie were coming to play, so all morning they called our foster kiddo "Jordan".  When the real Jordan showed up, he became "Not Jordan" and the nickname stuck all weekend.  The boys again had a Nerf war, then settled in to play some video games.  We had snack around the time Jor & Jamie got picked up and then the boys lobbied hard for more screen time.  Usually we let C have more after he does some reading.  They agreed to that and played some more video games.  I put the littles down after lunch and the bigs went back to Nerf, Legos and other toys.  After a while I started to get the "We're soooo borrred!" Cause, you know, there's nothing else to do.  They started volunteering to do jobs like wash the windows and I said I was going to work outside and they could join me if they liked.  They ended up talking me into doing some weeding in exchange for more screen time.  They pulled weeds in the middle of the yard, dug some holes 'pruned' the rose bushes.  Whatevs, they had a good time. Back in for a little bit more video games while we waited for the littles to wake up.  After they did, we all went to the park.  We brought a basketball, the littles' push cars, a scooter and the real entertainment was already there: a puddle!  D, of course, found it first and came running up to me as I was pushing J on the swings.  "All wet!" Yes, yes you are. The boys played themselves out, and then we headed back home for dinner and more playing. 

(5/18) Busy day today.  C and Dad were the only ones up when I got back from my run this morning.  Dad got breakfast together and bonus our kiddo stumbled down a little later.  I think we may have worn him out yesterday.  The littles came down once breakfast was ready and joined us.  The bigs played video games and then inside for a bit and I took the littles out to play in sand box and work in the yard.  When I was finished I parked myself in the sunshine while they played.  Heaven!  We went in for lunch and after I put the littles down, I told the bigs I'd take them to the park but they'd have to come on a few errands first.  They agreed.  They played basketball, on the scooter, played catch, etc. We wandered home after an hour or so and they both claimed to be so BORRRRRED (because we both said no to more video games ~ horrors!).  I went back to work outside and C eventually joined me.  We filled up the yard waste bin and then came in.  Dad got dinner started and we had an earlyish dinner since the bigs were going ice skating.  Dad said both boys did awesome and they capped off the evening with ice cream.  The littles and I watched some McQueen, had bath time, etc.  Good ol' Sunday fun.     

(5/19) Ho hum.  Our foster kiddo goes back today after school.  C is going to be so bummed.  They really got along great this weekend.  I am at work, C has school and Dad has the kids. 

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