Monday, May 12, 2014

May 6th-12th

(5/6)  I took today off since I had a class in downtown Seattle this evening.  Sarah suggested we meet at preschool playtime at Gymagine and let the littles play.  They had a blast!  J loved the foam pit and D loved standing at the top of the ramp and yelling TOY BOX!!!! at the top of his lungs and then running down the mats to the foam pit.  He calls the sand box the toy box, and I'm thinking he thought the foam pit was one too.  After playing hard, I drove us home past the park... well, the twins saw that and started to holler.  Mama fail.  I bribed them with lunch when we got home and then they got in a quickish nap.  Granddad and Grandma met us right after we got home from picking C up from school to watch them while I went to class.  They said the littles went down with nary a peep, and C got to play about 1.5 hours worth of Monopoly.  His favorite!   The class was tough for me.  It was on Navigating Adoption. Seeing all the families in various stages of the process and hearing their struggles was a real eye-opener.  And then when I got out of class, I checked my voicemail and picked up a message from the placement desk.  We're licensed! 

(5/7) Today I got to go on a field trip with C's class.  It was to the Imagine Children's Museum, which we've been to a bazillion times, but we still had fun.  I had C and 5 other of his classmates.  I'm so glad it was sunny and that the roof was open for them to go play.  They loved it!  Nanan came to watch the littles while I was out on the trip and stayed until I had returned and then fetched C from school. I had to run out to get a new pool since Cass decided to eat our last one... And the boys tested it out on the deck while I cooked dinner.  After dinner, we decided on an evening walk with Sarah and her boys.  The big boys used their scooters and Sarah & I pushed the littles. The twins didn't care for their dinner tonight so kept yelling about having a snack and drinks along the way.  I brought them juice and fortunately had a granola bar for them to eat. 

(5/8) Work day for me & Dad had the kiddos.  It was rainy out, so Dad had me just come to hockey after work.  We didn't take the stroller in, and the littles know all about how to have fun at hockey.  So they did their laps around the arena, shouted in the halls to hear it echo and tried to turn the lights on/off.  After Dad got C all situated and out on the ice, he was able to take a twin. We let them run for about half of the practice before I took them home and put them to bed.  C looked great out there from what I could see.  J wanted to watch hockey from every panel of the rink, so I'd lift him up, we'd watch for a second, then he'd want to go to the next one a few feet over, and repeat.  Goofballs.

(5/9)  Work day for Dad & me and Kathy had the kids.  Colton was in a mood tonight when I picked him up (didn't want to go home; we don't have any fun toys; etc.) so I told him I would talk to him when he was in a better mood and listened to D point out all the stop signs and diamonds (cross walk signs).  Very important.  Dinner was squetti, and the children wore most of it.  These are the days that I'm thankful for the high chairs that hog most of the space in our living room! 

(5/10) Sarah and I were not up to running a race this morning, so chose a long walk instead.  Grandma won her division at today's race and she and Granddad looked great in pictures! I kind of wish we had gone, but the walk was good too.  After we got back and Dad came home from shopping, the boys and I went out Mother's Day carding.  We stopped at Grandma's and caught them just pulling in.  We visited for just a little bit, then we headed up north hoping to catch Nanan at home.  She wasn't, and the weather was iffy, so we decided on lunch before playing at the park.  Got in about an hour before it started to rain!  The littles napped on the way home, but it was only a quick one so when bedtime rolled around they were totally ready to go. 

(5/11) Mother's Day was lovely!  The boys picked up donuts for breakfast and then we piled into the car and headed out for a picnic.  I chose north as our direction, and we drove out to Rosario Head.  After we ate, we checked out the tide pools and climbed the bluffs.  It was beautiful and I love being at the beach!  Once we got home, I put the littles down for a bit and the big boys ran out to grab grilling stuff and some new sandals for C since last year's sandals were in sad shape.  We fixed up a seafood feast with grilled veggies and corn.  Yum! 

(5/12) Happy Monday!  It's supposed to be warming up, so my rule of using the pool after it hits 70 should stand... instead of yesterday's 65 ;)  Dad has the kiddos today, I am working and C has school. 

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