Monday, August 10, 2015


Daddy? Can you upside-down me?

D: I need to go sleep in my bed.
Me: Me too.
D: No! You don't sleep in my bed. Ever, never!
Me: Why can't I go to sleep in your bed?
D: Because I need to go to sleep in there.

C: When our apple trees get bigger, we should build a treehouse.
Me: Uhm, those trees are about 4 years old, and you will probably be in high school before they are big enough to climb on.
C: I know, I want to live in there during high school. There will be plenty of food with apples growing in my house. And it should have two rooms; one for my brothers, and one for me!

D: C has an attitude. And he has a problem.

D: Mama! Mama! Mom! Mom! Mama?
Me: ...
D: Mama!  I need to be quiet.
Me: Yes, D.

D: NO!  Ever, never! I need, I need, I need, so ever!
Me: Uhm, okay.

At the teenager's former school: 
D: NO!  I don't wanna pick up S!

Deedle can't even today.
(8/4) Today we interviewed new nannies.  Well, nanny singular.  One was at the top of our list and the other was a no-show.  Still boggles my mind to set up an interview and then not show?  But thankfully, we found a great person to watch our kiddos.  Hooray!   Dad was off today, so we spent the rest of the day running errands and hangin' at home.

We have this big couch and...

(8/5)  Work day for Dad, kicking off his 8-day streak of 10-hour days.  Blech. The kiddos and I hit the gym first thing and followed it up with a park date with Sarah and her boys. We brought one of her kiddos home with us and the bigs had a blast sliding down the stairs on cardboard.

(8/6) We had a contractor come out to look at our porch this morning, and got a much better bid on the repair.  The kids watched waaaay too much TV this morning, and I finally turned it off and let the Lego building commence. Once Dad got home, I went off to Zumba, and came home to little boys going to bed.  It was a pretty good day of doing nothing much.

(8/7) Sheesh, this was a week of no-shows.  One Monday, one Tuesday, and the third contractor we had scheduled to come today didn't show either.  I gave them until 10:30, and then we were outta there.  I took the kiddos and their bikes to a big, empty parking lot to play while Sarah & I ran.  That was great for like 10 minutes until we were chased out by security.  Rats!  We loaded them back up and went over to the track instead.  Jj ran a quarter mile and then triked it too! There was a flock of geese in the middle of the track which had left part of the track a real mess.  C flew through all the 'puddles' and kicked up mud/goose leavings all over his backside. Gross.  I hosed them off when we ran home to grab our swim things, and then we hit open swim.  The outdoor wading pool was open, and it was the perfect temp to lounge around out there.  D & J's swim instructor guarded for a while and recognized them.  She asked them to blow their bubbles and J kept running off saying "Noooooo!"  Goofball. Grandma & Granddad came to watch the kiddos tonight while we had date night! Beautiful evening for dinner and drinks with my first guy.

(8/8) I hauled the boys to a glitch-filled Zumba class this morning.  We waited for 20 minutes to even get started and then the music was all off.  Some of the songs sounded like the Chipmunks were performing.  But the instructor says we get a 90 minute class next week, and I'm definitely down for that!  I told the boys we'd be going to the museum for a play date with my sisters after lunch, so was pestered for lunch from about 10:30a on.  We went a little early to museum and the boys had a blast, as usual.  C said he hasn't been all year, so he was stoked to go.  We stayed to play until the museum closed and then went home to dinner with Dad.

(8/9)  I spent a lazy morning with the kiddos today.  Got the house picked up and then we headed out to go back-to-school clothes shopping for C.  I bribed the boys with ice cream for their best behavior in the store, and the littles were very helpful!  They picked out Pokemon & Minecraft items for C, and even put them back relatively close to where they belonged if they grabbed things he wasn't interested in.  We stopped for some well-deserved ice cream, and sugared the kids up before we went to Grandma's for dinner.  Had a lovely time with my family celebrating Jake's & my b-days tonight ~ I so enjoy all of them!  

(8/10) Yawn! I haven't had to get up this early in over a week.  Kids are with the new nanny, C has hockey camp, and us parents have work.  Here we go!

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