Monday, August 3, 2015

It Begins

Littles get their "armor"
Here we go!
Me: Jensen-bear, turn around and eat!
J: I not a Jensen-bear!
D: JJ is a Jensen Campbell Rooster!

D: We need the green cookie truck on the van! [drove past the Keebler truck] And we go to the Winco and get Goldfish, and C gets a yucky [teriyaki] stick.

D: I'm so happy to see the mailboxes!  I love mailboxes!  Mama, do you see the mailboxes?

D: Mama, green means go.
Me: I know, D.  I've been driving longer than all of you have been alive.

D: Can Mom make coffee?
Dad: I'm sure she already has, kid.

(7/28) Work day for me and Dad had the kiddos. He took the boys in for haircuts, which D hollered through, and then professed his love for his new haircut.  And mailboxes.  Because everyone loves mailboxes. Tonight we took the littles to get suited up for hockey this fall.  Oh the cute!  I die.

(7/29) Happy 14th to us!  We got married on the 5th anniversary of our first date, so really, it's more like 19, but whatevs!  We started out the morning by hitting the gym while Dad was at work, and then went to join the playgroup for the twins' preschool. We came home for lunch and the boys played outside for the rest of the afternoon.  Dad treated us to ice cream after dinner as a special dessert.  Yummo!

(7/30) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the boys.  I caught a Zumba class on the way home, and pretty much got home in time to put the littles in bed.  D took a 5 minute nap while Dad was cooking dinner and took foooooreeevvveeeerrrr to go down.  I gave up after an hour and let Dad take a turn while I caught some z's of my own.

(7/31) Work day for Dad & me, and Sarah had the kiddos.  C was none too happy with me for waking him up. Sorry, dude, but I had to work! Sarah said they bickered allllll day, until about an hour before it was time to go home.  The older boys are such divas right now - I'm wondering when we swapped our sweet boys out for preteen girls.

(8/1) My children today. Gah!  The second Nanan arrived, I let her know they were big ol' bears today and "Have fun; good luck," before Dad & I were out the door for a night away to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday.  We had a lot of fun not being responsible adults for the evening.

(8/2) Nanan said the kiddos slept until 8:30.  Lucky her!  They're normally up and at'em around 7am. We didn't do a lot today; just stayed at home and tried not to melt.  Looking forward to it cooling off soon!

(8/3) I'm off on vacation this week. We got to take our teenager out for lunch and to the movies today.  So good to see her!  We've missed her a lot around here!  We saw Minions in 3D, which made C a little green around the gills.  Whoops.  Didn't even think about that.  Lunch at Hong Kong Yoshi/"monies in the water" restaurant was awesome, as usual.  Pretty decent sushi there for a buffet!

Meltdown over me not helping with his Legos

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