Monday, November 23, 2015

Electric Avenue

D: Don't touch the hot, because the hot is too hot for you.

Me: Go play hockey, and then you can play video games!
D: No video games on the ice, Mom.  The ice is too slippery.

D: *flicks on heater* OHHHHH!!! IT DOESN'T HAVE ELECTRICITY, MOM!!!
Repeat x 5,000,000

J: We want ice cream!
Me: You have to eat something more than Cheetos to have ice cream.
J: I eat Cheetos!
Me: I know, but you have to eat a good dinner first, in order to have ice cream.
J: Cheetos are good! I eat a good dinner!

D: Shoot, bee! Shoot!  I tell the bee to shoot!  (shoo fly!)

 (11/17) Work and school day for us. There was a big wind storm today, which first took the power out at my work, so they kicked us out early.  Dad went home early too, because he wasn't feeling well.  He happened to take the truck when he went to go pick up the kids.  The power had slowed everything down to a crawl, so he picked a different route for the way home.  Another driver decided to pull a u-turn right in front of a van, which hit him, and then shoved him into our truck.  So glad everyone's okay! We're definitely bummed about the truck, but that's what insurance is for.  Our power went out just after 6p tonight.  We had a bunch of glow sticks and flash lights, and dinner was finished, so we had a pretty quiet night together.

(11/18) No power this morning.  Harrumph.  I took the boys to McDonald's for breakfast and coffee, because the lukewarm scavenged Xmas Via from 2013 was not gonna cut it.  I should have skipped the orders of hotcakes at McD's and just ordered 6 pats of butter and some syrup. D was so keyed up today, he was running circles around the restaurant and being a holy terror. I took the boys to the park, and called their pediatrician from there to set up an appointment for an hour out so they could burn off some steam first.  We've been to the doctor's office so often lately, their doc just came in and said "What happened, and what can I do?"  All the boys checked out fine.  I took them home and let them play outside with the neighborhood boys. Nerf fights do not require electricity, thankyouverymuch D. Around 4:30p, still without power, I dumped the fridge, packed the remaining food up and headed to Granddad's.  Granddad made us dinner and offered to let us stay overnight. Dad called saying we got our power back a few minutes after I had unloaded the car and put all the food in Granddad's fridge/freezer. Because of course.  I packed everybody up past the twins' bedtime, and the children collectively jumped all over the very last nerve I was struggling to hold onto. I may have thrown a pretty epic tantrum of my own. Somebody's gotta model proper parenting...

(11/19) Work day for me, and quieter day for the boys.  Dad switched out the puny rental car for a fully loaded SUV.  Very, very nice!  The boys had hockey this evening, and I had an event to go to, so I missed seeing them this evening.  Hockey went really well, and C even earned his screen time back after a successful couple of days at school/home.  Yay!

(11/20) Work from home day for me.  Love my short commute to the couch! Nanan came over tonight to watch the kids while we went out with some friends.  C also had hockey pictures tonight, so we dropped him on our way and he caught a ride back.  Juggling schedules, FTW!

(11/21) C had a hockey game down in Renton today.  Dad and he got an early start, and I got to wrangle the twins at their practice.  They had their pictures today, and it was a riot.  The twins can't quite skate, so they got a ride out to the picture spot, and J is on all fours for his pictures, and D is looking all suave, holding onto the goal.  Can't wait to get the pictures back!  Practice was pretty good - J used a cone to shuffle a bit.  He came off about 15 minutes early, but really had a great practice up to that point, so I just had him come sit by me.  D stayed out there the entire time.  He pushed a bumper all the way across the ice, and got up a few times.  He did a great job!  C went home with Nanan to spend the night, and Dad went in to make up some hours.  The twins and I had a quiet afternoon.

(11/22)  Lazy Sunday.  We met up with Nanan and C at the park and had a picnic.  It was a beautiful day, so we stayed for a few hours and let the boys play in the sunshine.  When we got home, the boys continued to play outside.  They were rosy cheeked and tired after their long day, so went down pretty easy.

(11/23)  Happy Monday!  Short week on tap. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and hangin' with the fam.

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