Monday, December 7, 2015

Silver and Gold...

Found on C's wall.  LOVE!
Me: Did you show S your nails & toes, D?
D: Don't talk about it!

Dad: You have busy hair today.
D: It's not busy, it's crazy.

Me: Did you have fun at hockey?
J: Yeah!  I had fun using the big people to skate!

J: That's the torture, Mama!
Uhm... why does my child know this word, and why is he using it to describe the Xmas light setting?  

D: See the canaries (ornaments) up there?  Those are my canaries!

D: There's no Haggen!  It's in the garbage!  Someone threw it in the garbage!! WAAAAH!
Super concerned about the Haggen's closing by us.  

C: If you wake up, you can come hear the new music!
D: BAYMAX, YAAAAAY!!  Mom we need more Baymax!
(Fall Out Boy's Immortals from Big Hero 6 ~ which I have now listened to 999 times)

(12/1) Work and school day.  Ready, squetti, Tuesday, and..... GO!  My Tuesday was a blur, as they tend to be.  A good blur, but a blur.

(12/2) Day off for me. I got the grumpy one off to school and then ended up giving myself the very same pep talk a short while later. "Yes, this activity requires pants.  Remember your shit. And don't growl at other adults." Done. I couldn't find anything silver to dress the littles in for preschool, so ended up putting silver nail polish on their toes and fingers.  They loved it, and it was a hit at school!  The rest of our day went better and had definitely turned around by the evening.

(12/3) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  They went to hockey this evening and got home a little before bedtime for the twinadoes.  We had a quiet night in.  I tried to read, but didn't make it very far.

(12/4) Work day from home for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  He headed up to grab the teenager to babysit for us this evening. And then our plans fell through.  Because of course. We ended up watching a movie while the bigs created a giant Lego city.  EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME!

(12/5) All the boys had hockey today.  C had a game at early o'clock. Dad took C and the teen for the game and breakfast.  C had a meltdown at the end, so they ended up coming home afterward.  The twins and I scooted out to the gym before their practice.  I swooped home to grab the rest of my grumpy family and we headed back to the rink.  The Totems were out helping the boys today.  J had the best time zooming around with his player.  After hockey, we went home, and I collected the teen so I could run some errands, and then planned to run her back home.  In our errands, we grabbed some hair dye.  I double checked that we still had the go-ahead, and went back our home to color her hair, and kept her another night.  Since we had a sitter, we went out with some friends after the kiddos went down, and had a great time.

(12/6) Christmas has now exploded all over my house.  I got the tree out, and the twins put about 10 ornaments on the top (their eye level), and then randomly dumped the rest throughout my living room. We left our mess behind (mess interuptus) and headed for Grandma and Graddad's to do cookies, gingerbread houses, and to help decorate their tree.  We had a lovely time!  C's house was a little sparse on the decor because he choose to eat his decorations instead.  LOL!  We ran the teen back in the afternoon and came home to figure out dinner. It was a great weekend!

(12/7) School, work, and hockey today.  I caught up with the twins at hockey, and they threw a royal fit about having to go home and go to bed.  They apparently think I do not know how to tell time, and argued all the way home about it not being late nor bedtime, and that they still needed dinner (though they had already eaten).  Yeah, no.  Bedtime FTW!

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