Friday, May 27, 2016


D is not impressed with mom shenanigans
Toddler questionnaire:
What's your name? Denton.
How old are you? Four!
When is your birthday ? It's at a day, but it's on Saturday.
How old is Daddy? Four?
How old is Mommy? Five!
What's your favorite color? Bandwagon pink.
What's your favorite food? Potatoes!
Who's your best friend? Meh. Not you.
What's your favorite show? The Paintings. (Baby Einstein... he's way too old for it but still loves it.)
What's your favorite movie? The Legos on the XBOX.
What's your favorite song? (Something about the TV at the gym)
What's your favorite animal? Big giraffes!
What are you scared of? Lions.
What makes you happy? Nothing.

Toddler questionnaire:
What's your name? Jensen.
How old are you? Four.
When is your birthday? Four?
How old is Daddy? Seventeen!
How old is Mommy? Seventeen!
What's your favorite color? All the ones.
What's your favorite food? All of them.
Who's your best friend? Uhm, my other friend, he's called Old. And somebody's just like mine. I like two Jensens.
What's your favorite show? Old.
What's your favorite movie? Old.
What's your favorite song? Uhm, old.
What's your favorite animal? Uhm, giraffe is my favorite.
What are you scared of? Uhm, nothing.
What makes you happy? Uhm, when giraffes are happy!

J: D, on the beach Minecraft, there's gonna be lots of Creepers!

J: I need something to eat, like a circle.

Watching the NHL game ~
J: Daddy! The Energy have two!
(It's 2-0 Tampa Bay, and there's a lightning bolt symbol next to the 2, so he's very correct)

D: I'M AN EPIC BATTLE!!! J-j, you need to say "EPIC BATTLE!!!"

Deejay Deedles!
(5/21) Busy day today.  I took the twins to the retirement party for their teachers. C had Marilyn for preschool as well. The littles had a wonderful year, and have come such a long way. It poured for setup of the party, but by the time I brought the twins, it had cleared. The boys ate a ton, got balloon light sabers, and then we played at the park.  Dad took C to a birthday party at Traxxs (indoor raceway).  He had an absolute blast! After those two events, Dad dropped C with me and went to a friend's housewarming/bday celebration. So yeah, not so much with the packing today.

(5/22) Work day for Dad today and I had the boys. They played video games while I got some work done, and then I kicked us all outside to work out there.  We're getting there on the house... slowly.

(5/23) Work day for Dad & me.  The littles got to go to the play gym with Amanda today.  D was most unimpressed with me not letting him wear boots this morning and promptly threw me under the bus. Whatever, D!  They had hockey this evening, and I got a couple hours of quiet before they came home.

(5/24) "Work" day for me and Dad.  I say it in quotes because we had a staff outing, which was visiting four local wineries.  Best day ever! We had a great time, and finished up with dinner at Azteca. I will have been with my company for 16 years this coming August.  All of us long-timers got celebrated today too.

Doing tech support after 4 wineries
Today's itinerary!
(5/25) Day off for me, and no school for the littles, which meant we finally got to go to a Weds morning Zumba class!  Woo!  We went to the preschool this afternoon for a shift taking it down for the year, and De-saster struck again.  D climbed the little mountain in the sibling room and fell off, so now he has a goose egg to go with his shiner.  I think he is growing because little man is ever so clumsy right now!  We came home for Popsicles, because their teacher said they're the cure-all.  Seems to have worked too.

J's hands
(5/26) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos. DeForest came over and helped with some small projects to help get our house ready for sale.  Really appreciate it, D!  Dad met me at the gym with the littles after work so I could go Zumba, and then he took C to hockey.  C took a stick to the gut, so they cut out of practice early and then went shopping.  Cuz retail therapy!

(5/27) Work at home day for me & Dad has the kiddos.  Looking forward to a fun extended weekend!

Lazy day ~ D has the remote on his head

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