Sunday, June 25, 2017

Six-packs and Steak Fries

C: D, can you do this?
D: No, I can't. I don't like doing that.

J: These steak fries are better than steak!

J: I don't need one attention when I swim.
Me: You still need attention when you swim. Everybody needs someone to be aware when they're swimming.

D: We need WiFi for the weather, because the weather needs WiFi.

Me: Remember, in your book, how the bees chew and spit the nectar into honeycombs?
D: And then it gets teleported to the store into jars!

C: The reason I'm doing so much exercise is because I want a six-pack.
*completes a dozen sit-ups*
C: Hey boys, check out your six-packs!

J's head was hurting, but we decided to try the gym ~
Gym daycare: Remind me, which kiddo are you?
J: I'm just the one with the headache!

Talking to Jimmy ~
C: Oh hush, we feed you!

From Amanda: So we are at Narbeck walking around hiding and finding rocks and J has 2 huge handfuls of regular gravel rocks he wants to me to hold so he can take home. I told him I wasn't going to hold them, and that he didn't need to bring those. He kind of groaned but said, "Okay." Fast forward 15 mins and we're walking and he says, "Hey Manda, I put all the rocks in my boots so you don't know I have them, and I can take them all home!" 😂

D: You don't want to be killed, Mom.
Me: Yeah, then who would make you spicy eggs?
D: If you were dead, then Grandma could, or Dad could.
Me: Love you too, D.

J: I feel like Deadpool.

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(6/13) Work day for Dad & me.  It was cold and rainy out, but dangit, it's summer, so J selected a winter sweater, shorts, and my flip flops to wear today.  It was a meeting filled day for me, but J said I could skip em. He also said that 3 meetings wasn't a lot, just 10-hundred is.

(6/14) We attempted to go to Zumba this morning, but there wasn't any room at the daycare.  So I let the boys grab snacks at the grocery store, and then we went home for a quick run on the treadmill.  We met Grandma at Narbeck and introduced her to painted rock hiding & hunting.  We then went out for lunch after a fun hike.  This afternoon was the boys' last session of swim.  The lifeguard today was the instructor from their Saturday class.  That was pretty fun!  They still have a few skills to master in level one, but their confidence is high, and they've really come a long way these last few weeks.

(6/15) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  It was gross out, so the boys had a lazy day at home.

(6/16) I had a dentist appointment before work today, and Dad had the boys.  It was Donuts with Dad day at C's school, but there was absolutely nowhere to park, so Dad took the twins to Frost, and promised a donut date to C tomorrow.

(6/17) Sarah and I got in a quick walk before the big boys' donut date. Once the boys got back, I left to meet Nanan for breakfast, and then we went shopping. I'm all outfitted for summer now!  When we got back, the boys and I took Dad out for an early Father's Day dinner at Jimmy Mac's Roadhouse.  The most exciting thing about that place was throwing the peanut shells on the floor. D even brought some home to throw on ours... 😐

(6/18) Happy Father's Day!  My brother and SIL hosted Father's Day lunch up at their home today. We had planned for summer weather, and for the kiddies to play in the pool, but it decided to rain instead.  Harrumph.  We had a lovely time indoors though!

(6/19) Work day for Dad & me. Captain Moodypants (C) was irritated that I made us all go outside until someone's attitude changed.  Meanest.Mom.Ever.

(6/20) Work day for Dad & me. It was another drizzly day, but the sun finally came out this evening, and I scratched my planned treadmilling and got to take the pupper for a walk.  Score!

(6/21) I should have gotten a picture.  C's class is having a read-a-thon today, so he wore his flannel jammie bottoms, his robe, and his Minion slippers.  We dropped him at school and came home.  J woke up this morning with a doozy of a headache.  He was feeling better after some Advil, so I decided to chance taking him to the gym.  They called me out of class 3/4 of the way through because he was just feeling miserable.  He spiked a fever this afternoon, and his headache didn't go away until this evening.  Poor munchkin.

(6/22) Last day of school!  Huzzah!! C is now a 5th grader ~ eeps! I took today and tomorrow off because Dad and C were supposed to be heading out for the Gambler today. Dad was in too much pain today though, and decided it would be best to not go. I'm so bummed for them ~ that was going to be an amazing trip.  Rob ended up swinging by to take the car up to the race, so at least it got to compete.

(6/23) Lazy day for us all today. I eventually pried the children away from their video games and took us all to the lake.  I read my book while the kiddos swam.  Summer perfection!

(6/24) Sarah and I walked to the gym, went to Zumba, and then coffee'd on our way back.  My boys had another water balloon fight out back as a way to cool off today.  Dad grilled up some steak tonight, I made potato salad, and we had a picnic out back.  Such a beautiful evening!

(6/25) Gonna be another hot one today!  D was out playing in the sprinkler at 9am this morning.  We have no real plans for today.  We'll probably just bum around here.  Sounds good to me.

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