Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Flowers & Fireworks

S: Why are there marshmallows in this Captain Crunch?
Me: It's kind of like a cross between Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch.
D: Well, too bad, because it's sooooo good!

C: This is my breakfast!  (referring to the entire pie)

D: I love this movie! Just not the evil part!

J: I'm bigger than D because I played a bit more hockey.

Nurse: So how is your pain?
C: Well, I was just cut open, so of course I can't do any sit ups right now.

Dad: J will be happy to know I bought more meatloaf.
J: And I almost want it for dinner, and lunch...

Flowers from my yard!
(6/26) Work day for Dad & me, and the twins were with Amanda.  C stayed home with me, and played video games til I kicked him off, and made him go outside.

(6/27) Work day for Dad & me. Dad took the boys out for dinner tonight, and I went out with my work peeps for book club.

(6/28) Poor C is sick-sick-sick.  He felt absolutely miserable this morning.  I figured it was just a stomach bug, so went for Gatorade, and gave him some Pepto to settle his stomach. He didn't have a fever or other symptoms, he just couldn't keep anything down.  Once Dad got home, he started begging for something to make his stomach stop hurting.  Dad looked up his symptoms and decided a trip to the ER was in order.  Sure enough, it was appendicitis.  They left about 6p, and Sarah came to the house so I could be there for his surgery around 10p.  He was done and awake around 11:30p, but he was so exhausted they decided to keep him over night.  Dad stayed at the hospital with him, and I came home to relieve Sarah.  He should get to come home after breakfast tomorrow.

(6/29) I called out of work today, and C got to come home mid-morning.  He had finished a whole French toast breakfast and was definitely feeling loads better.  A little sore, but still way better than yesterday.  Nanan came to see him, and Granddad and Grandma popped by later.  We're all so relieved he's home!

(6/30) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos.  Dad went up and fetched the teenager for the next few days, and then went to Frost for goodies for C's birthday this evening.  His actual birthday is on the 8th, but we'll be vacationing, so we had a few friends over for a very low-key video game birthday tonight.  He's feeling MUCH better, and promised to take it easy, so we went ahead with it. D went through the teen's makeup, so he won himself a make-over. He looks adorable!  And in other news, Dad gave the USS Brick (Buick) to the teenager tonight. She'll need to save up for insurance and gas, but it survived the Gambler, and is now hers.  She's very excited!

(7/1) I left Dad with the horde after throwing food at them, and Sarah and I walked to Zumba.  Dad got called into work just as we got done, so we raced home with our Starbucks.  I let the little boys have a turn with screens and unplugged the big boy for a little while.  I took the kiddos to see Despicable Me 3, and they loved it! Well, most of it, anyway.  I had both of the twins on my lap for the scary parts.  Dad took the teenager out driving this evening, and we're making progress on her log.

(7/2) Work day for Dad.  The kids and I bummed around the house this morning, and then went to go grab lunch to take to the park.  We settled on Forest Park, and went to the little petting zoo they have there.  The teenager lobbied for checking out a bunny through the "bunny bank," which is a bunny and all supplies for 3 days.  We have enough going on, but that's very cool!  After the park, we came home, and the boys discovered Cass' love of squirt guns.  They played out back, and the dog came in absolutely drenched.

(7/3) I have a one day work week ahead of me this week, and then I'm on vacation!  I worked from home, and the office closed early. Lucky me!  I picked up the boys, and Dad went to get our eats for the fourth.  He made a strawberry pie tonight that I know I'll have trouble keeping the kids out of tomorrow!

(7/4) Happy 4th!  The kids and I are off today, and Dad has barbecue fixins for later.  We'll be lighting off fireworks at our house tonight. Hope you and yours have a great one!

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