Thursday, July 27, 2017

Meh Morning

D: What day is it today?
Me: Thursday.
D: Okay Mom, I'll see you Saturday.
Dad: Please come home!

Me: You've been invited swimming. Do you want to go?
C: I want to go, but I don't want to get up.

D: And my hair is tired. Mom? What does your hair feel like?

Me: Good morning!
J: Meh. 
Me: Meh? 
J: Meh. 
Same, JJ. Same. 

C: Can this be my breakfast? 
Me: Nooooo... that's too much pizza. 
C: That isn't a thing, Mom.

Me: Because it is.
Me: Sorry, nothing I can do about it.
ME: D, chill. We're just waiting for the stop light, and then you'll be out of the sun.

C: J's jumping in where he can't touch!
Me: I see that. Just make sure you're there to help him if he needs it.
C: We have a deal. If J needs help, he's gonna put up a thumbs down so I know to help him.
Me: Drowning people don't have time to think about putting up a thumbs down, they just slip under the water. So you need to be right there if he jumps in where it's too deep. 

Me: I think Jordan is back Tuesday?
C: Why is he gone so long?
Me: Cuz he's on a long trip with his grandparents. Like you went on a big trip with Oma and Opa.
C: I only got to go to Minnesota, I didn't get to go to Canada!
Me: Minnesota is farther than Canada. Plus you got to go to Yellowstone.
J: What's Yellowstone?
Me: It has geysers and boiling mud.
C: And smells like farts! *riiiiiiiip*
Boys: *much laughter*

D: Wednesday I'm gonna have Funyuns. Saturday I'll have barbecue. And Friday I'll have barbecue like Saturday.
He's put a lot of thought into this.

D: When I get home, I'm going to take off my shoes and cuddle with the upstairs fan.

(7/17) Work day from home for me, and Amanda had the twins.  I forced us all to go outside after dinner, and it was a disaster.  C pouted on the hill because I made him be outside, J wanted a different wheeled toy so had to go home and get it, and D nailed a kid with a piece of brick when my back was turned.  Seriously, children?  I just wanted to go for a freakin' walk!

(7/18) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the boys.  It was meeting-central for me as is usual for a Tuesday.  Once the twins were in bed, I went for a long walk in the sunshine.  Nice way to cap off a busy day.

Mondays got us like....
It was cold. Fuzzy pants & sweater FTW!
(7/19) I hit Zumba this morning with the twins, and then came back home to change and get ready for an action-packed day.  I had to take C in for a re-check from surgery a few weeks ago.  Then I dropped him & J off, and D and I went to the DMV.  That was two hours of my life I wish I could have back.  I was amused by the Zootopia sloths up above their cubicles though.  D was really well-behaved and was a trooper throughout.  We went for Slurpees as a treat after.

Zootopia sloth!
Mah DMV face captured by D
(7/20) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  I took the twins to Zumba tonight after work. J wanted to know if I was going to sing for my class.  I don't think the other participants would enjoy that!

(7/21) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  C and I went to Cinema Under the Stars tonight and watched Pete's Dragon.  Love that movie!  The Reptile Man was there as pre-show entertainment.  He brought out a lot of cool animals.  It was fun to be with my big kid for the evening! He says he'll do anything to get away from the twins for a while.  LOL

(7/22) Dad had to work today, so I took the boys to the aquatic center for open swim.  We then stopped by the library to get Sno-Isle cards for all the boys, so I can stop tying up my e-bookshelf with all their books.

(7/23)  The boys settled on the lake as our destination today.  J's swimming is really coming along, and he's getting so brave. They did a lot of jumping off the dock today - it's great when they figure out how to do all that on their own!  We were invited over for more swimming after dinner at Sarah's house.  C elected not to come this time, but the twins and I had fun.

(7/24) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the twins.  C stayed home with me, and was so annoyed when I sent him outside to play, that he sat on the porch and pouted while I worked. I suggested reading, but he doesn't like to read outside.  I suggested chores, and he didn't want to do those either.  Eventually he came in and started thumping on the chair.  I told him to knock it off, he pouted for a while, and then was silent.  I looked ook over and he was zonked out.  I woke him later to let him know that Jor was home, and that he'd been invited swimming.  He came home for dinner, and then we all went back to swim some more.  Perfect evening activity!

(7/25) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the boys.  She took them all to Altitude to jump, and C has declared it the best jumping spot. I'm so glad they had fun!  I got to hang with the boys for a while until the twinsies' bedtime, and then went out for a walk and to enjoy my book for a bit longer.

 (7/26) Kathy invited us to the beach today.  The tide was really low, so the boys didn't immediately want to swim since it put them right in the seaweed beds.  But eventually, they got in.  The ferry ride was fun both ways, and we met Dad at Ivar's for dinner. C went to spend the night at a friend's house when we got back, and the twins conked out quickly after being put to bed.  Methinks they may have been a wee bit tired after all that sunshine and play.

(7/27) Work day for me, and Dad has the boys today.  The twins picked out their backpacks for school today.  J chose blue camo and D picked Finding Dory.  So adorable!  Dad also did their back-to-school shopping today. Can't believe it's almost time!

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