Thursday, August 17, 2017

Raise Your Hand

Much yelling from the back seat ~
*Sarah raises hand*


D is soaked ~
D: I found the sprinklers!  Is okay if I play in them?
Me: What if I said no?
D: *blank stare*

Dad: How was the zoo, buddy? 
C: Well, a puffin almost pooped on my head...

D: Where are we taking S?
Me: I already told you, and you would know if you had been listening.
D: It was just too quiet so I couldn't hear you.

J: This tastes good but not very good to me.

C made breakfast ~ toast with eggs and lettuce on top. Yum?
C to J: You need to stop being so picky! You need to eat the lettuce! 

Me: What is your new friend's name? 
J: I don't 'member. I wish she had a different name. 
Me: One that you can remember? 
J: Yeah.

Me: I'll see ya later today.
D: You're free til Monday, okay Mom?

Me: You better not be spitting, Mr. JJ-beans!
D: Why do you call him beans and me berry?
Me: Why did I call you a dingleberry?  Cuz sometimes you are.

(8/8)  I'm on vacation this week. I took the kiddos to see the Emoji Movie this morning.  It was really cute. And I'm the meanest mom ever that forces her kids to go swimming after we've done nothing active all day.  Just so you know.  We joined Laura, Sarah, & kiddos at the pool for open swim and, wonder of wonders, my boys had a good time.

(8/9)  The boy that complained about swimming at open swim yesterday actually asked if we could do it again today.  I told them if they all got themselves ready, we'd stop for a snorkel for C and googles for D on the way.  That was a deal!  The lifeguard told C he couldn't use the snorkel at the pool for some odd reason, so C wanted to leave and go to the lake.  Sorry kiddo, no time to do that today.

(8/10) We're off camping ~ we went down to the North Fork Bear Group Site in Randle, WA. It's along the Cispus River, "Biscuit River" to D.  We're hoping the haze will clear so we can watch the Perseids. They peak Saturday night, but we caught a few tonight.  Rob, Melissa, and Marc pulled in not long after us.  We had a great group dinner followed by s'mores and card games.

(8/11) Today was fun!  We checked out Layser Cave next to our camp, and hiked down a short trail to the cave.  It was pretty cool.  Then we piled back into the car and went over to Tipsoo Lake.  The meadows are so gorgeous!  We haven't been there for a few years, and it was fun to re-visit. It was a super-easy loop around the lake for the kids. Back at camp, we hung out til Rob, Melissa, and Marc all got back and then started dinner.  After the kids had gone to bed, us adults continued on playing card games.  C came out and asked what those flashes of lights were.  When we stepped beyond the lantern light, sure enough there was a big storm brewing.  We scurried to get the rain flys up.  We sat outside enjoying the light drizzle with periodic glimpses of shooting stars, and turned in when the lightning show turned to LOUD thunder and a downpour.

(8/12) We woke up to drizzle and packed up camp.  There wasn't anywhere very dry to hang out, so we hit the road around 9a and headed home.  We got home for a late lunch, and decided we didn't want to cook dinner, so went to our favorite sushi haunt.  Yuuuum!

(8/13) Nanan had a belated birthday lunch for Jake & me today.  We met up at Freedom Park for subs and good conversation. We headed home after it clouded over and started to get a bit chilly.

(8/14) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the twins.  C stayed home and loafed around til cardio boot camp for hockey this evening.  He was done about 20 minutes in.  Yay for ramping up to the season!

(8/15) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the boys. I had book club with my work peeps after work tonight, and Dad got to take everybody to C's hockey camp. He built a "Canadian Christmas tree" tonight so we can properly dry C's gear.  I can smell the season... er. yeah.

J: I don't think I can eat breakfast like this.
"Canadian Xmas Tree"
(8/16) Work day for Dad, and I had the kiddos.  Sarah & I took the herd to the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium.  It took fooorrever to get there/back due to construction, and we heard many exclamations from the backseat crowd that "I FARTED!" Boys. Gah.  There was an amazing trash art exhibit, which was both sobering and awesome to look at. My favorite part is still the aquarium - it's so peaceful, even with all the children hollering "MOM! LOOK AT THIS! MOM! MOM!"

(8/17) Work day for me, and Dad has the kiddos. He's going up to fetch the teenager today for their ghost town road trip tomorrow.  I hope they have a great time!

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