Monday, September 11, 2017

And They're Off!

Hears sirens ~
D: I didn't do it! It was definitely Donald Trump!

D: I really love C's hair!  I want blue hair like C!

Upon waking ~

D: Mom, you didn't let me get enough sleep!
J: Almost, Mom. Almost.

Watching the hummingbirds
D: And we went to the fair next to Chelan, and ...
The Evergreen State Fair will henceforth be the "fair next to Chelan" because we went there on the way to Chelan last year.

D: J, can you stop pressing stuff over and over and over again?
Ahem, pot, meet kettle.

Dad: What do you want to do for work when you grow up?
D: Uhm, maybe plunge toilets?

I was walking in place ~ 
J: It looks like you have to go potty.

J: (big sigh)  And this is why I didn't want to have D.

D: What does it smell like?
Me: Hockey.

Me: How did you like kindergarten?
J: Uhm, not really good.
Me: Uh-oh.  Why not?
J: Because I had to draw when I didn't want to.

Me: Who did you sit next to at lunch?
D: A bunch of guys I don't like.
Me: Did you sit with your class?
D: Yeah.
Me: Do you know the names of anybody in your class?
D: I don't 'member.
Me: If you don't know their names, then you don't know if you don't like them yet.

(8/29) Work day for Dad & me, and Amanda had the kiddos. We had a potluck at work today, and all the boys were thrilled when I brought some spicy eggs home to share.

(8/30) I took the kiddos to the park today to test out my new camera.  I love to take pictures, and have had my eye on a new camera for a while now. Finally decided to pull the trigger. I wandered into the community garden attached to the park, while the kiddos played, and had a great time. When we got home, C suggested that we should walk to Starbucks. We trekked over to the 'Bux, and then hit the playground.

(8/31) I worked from home today since Dad had an afternoon doctor appointment.  He also arranged to run C in for an eye exam. I love the new frames!  I took the kiddos to the fair this evening. We had a blast!

(9/1) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos. My office closed early today, and when I got home, the kiddos wanted to walk to Starbucks again.  Oh darn, twist my arm!

(9/2) Today we took the fam (and a Jordan) to the LeMay Museum. The older boys really geeked out, and the twins had a great time in the family zone.  We purchased a membership which has reciprocal admission to several other museums, and I'm really looking forward to hitting a couple of others!

(9/3) Happy sweet 16 to Snow!!  We had a surprise visit from the birthday girl today.  She joined us for swimming, and then we took her out for birthday sushi!

(9/4) Labor Day - Sarah and I took a Zumba class, followed by the new Strong by Zumba, which is Zumba with burpees.  Wee!  That was exhausting!  After class, we took the kiddos out to Flowing Lake for the day.  It was a beautiful day - little bit cooler and less smokey. Finally.

(9/5) I worked a half day, and collected the kiddos so we could go meet C's teacher.  We had dyed C's hair a bright blue last night, and C's teacher greeted us by saying "I don't remember any students with blue hair."  He's a big-time Seahawks fan, and C was imagining ways to incorporate green stripes for the next dye job.

Post-bleach.  Ready for blue!
New living room layout
(9/6) First day of school for the C-monster today!  The twins and I walked him to school and back, hit the gym, and then came home to get ready to take J to meet his teacher. We found his seat and locker.  Oh my, it's gettin' real!  C had a great day, and seems to like his teacher.  Hooray!

Here we go!
Complete with eye-roll
(9/7) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  He got to take D in to meet his teacher today.  My dear darling child decided to draw a fart instead of drawing his self-portrait.  I wonder if his teacher likes red or white.  It's gonna be a long year.  C's second day of hockey tryouts was this evening. I picked up the twins at the arena, and we came home and snugged on the couch for a bit before going up to bed.

(9/8) Work day for me, C had school, and the twins were with Dad.  Dad took the car in for an oil change, and the boys made him breakfast out of plastic toys at the dealership. Yuuuum.  We had movie night tonight, complete with movie candy.  Our new couch is workin' out great!

(9/9) C had tryouts this morning, so he and Dad went to that, and the twins and I went to Zumba.  After Zumba, Sarah & I took the kiddos to play at the playground while we walked in circles around them, enjoying our coffee in the drizzle. It's been so long since we've had rain that it really was quite pleasant to walk in.

(9/10) Lazyish Sunday for the boys and me today.  C had tryouts late this morning, so I packed the kiddos "pre-lunch" and then we had real lunch after practice.  We wandered over to Sarah's house for one last dip in the pool before they drained it.  Summer really is over. Sniff, sniff.  Nanan came to watch the boys tonight so we could go to a comedy show.  Unfortunately, it was sold out and we hadn't thought to purchase tickets ahead of time.  We took the opportunity to go to the waterfront for a drink and an evening treat. It was a beautiful night!

(9/11) Today is the day. We sent the twinadoes off to kindergarten.  Dad took the day off so we could all walk the kiddos to school and go through the drop-off process.  I'm excited to hear all about their first day!

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