Monday, October 23, 2017

Birthday Shenanigans

J: Why does this book have a B on it?
Me: Because the authors last name starts with a B. When you write a book, yours will start with a R.
J: Why?
Me: Cuz your last name starts with a R. 
J: Well, you can just call me Crazy Hair.

Watching a video on fidget spinners in space...
D: How do they even fly?
We then had a discussion about gravity, which led to: 
D: And will you even have gravity?  

D: Jimmy just growed last night!  
In comparison to the puppeh, Jimmy looks huge!

D: Our clocks don't have a sibling hand.
Me: A second hand. 
D: No, the third hand! 
Me: It's called the second hand. 
D: What's the third hand called?
Me: A second hand.
D: NO!  What's the third hand called!
Me: A second hand.  You have one for the hours, minutes, and seconds.

Noodle's nick names: 
* Yipasoba
* Noodle Chow Mein Chainsaw the Irresistable Devil
* C: I've got a nickname for him. Since his name is Noodle, and he likes to eat, we can also call him Chow Mein.

Dad: I am also taking to calling this particular mix a "French Malt."

D: Coach Jerry says I can just skate when I want to.
Me: Yeah, but you need to try more skating out there, bud.

C: You just owe me two coffees!
For scoring two goals, lol.

J: Please can we do science?
Me: Not tonight; we'll do one tomorrow.
J: And I will wake you at 6 so we can science!
Dad: You better wait until Mom has had TWO coffees first.

J has a pimple on his cheek~
J: Someone just hackeded me!

J: Do I have to go to school? I don't think I can survive! (see itty bitty owie below)

(10/7) Game day for the C.  We all piled in the car and drove down to watch his game, and then from there, we drove out to look at the pretty fall colors.  It rained much of today, so most of it we viewed from the car.  We found a sushi restaurant for dinner.  It was the fam's first time at a belt sushi place, and that was kind of fun!

(10/8) Ugh, super early game this morning down in Renton.  C is not a morning person, and early mornings are a huge affront to Captain Moody. But I had to get up too, and told him that he needs to suit up and show up every time.  He ended up playing well and scored 2 goals in a crazy intense game.  The clock wasn't working, and the teams kept trading goals.  Finished up with a loss of 11-13, but wow!  I took C to Starbucks for a second breakfast, and ordered him a peppermint mocha because he keeps thinking he might like coffee.  He didn't, so we gave it to the teenager when we returned in partial payment for watching the twinadoes.

(10/9) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys.  Granddad stopped by and brought me a delicious bucket of pumpkin spice and we got to visit for a minute before he was off again.  C had practice this evening, and I took the twins to the park to play.  Perfect weather for it!

(10/10) Work day for Dad & me, and Nanan grabbed the boys after school today.  Tuesdays are always jam-packed with meetings, and today our office had a blood drive. I'm really enjoying all the positive things our office is involved in promoting.

(10/11) Happy Birthday Twinsies!! D requested donuts and macaroons for treats today.  I scooted out to grab those before volunteering in J's class this afternoon.  I wandered between centers, and spent the most time with J's group at the dramatic play center.  C was feeling poorly tonight, so we kept him home from hockey.  The donuts helped to cheer him up.

(10/12) Oh my husband... He should not be left unsupervised.  Today while the boys were at school, he went on a little field trip and brought home a puppy.  C has been asking for a dog for Christmas, so this will be "his" puppy.  He chose Noodle as a name, and Noodley is TIIIIINY!  He's a French Bulldog/Maltese.  Incredibly cute!  We tried having him stay in C's room, but he cried all night.  We later found a better solution having him in an x-pen near the big doggos.

(10/13) Work day for me, but I left early to go with Nanan and the twins to Go Dog Go at the Seattle Children's Theatre.  D *loved* it!  He was bouncing and laughing, and completely engaged. It was really cute!  While we were away, Dad took C in for a hair cut.  He looks good with his new 'do!'

(10/14) The twins had hockey practice this morning.  We moved them to Beginner 2, because they can kinda-sorta skate.  We'll see how this goes.  J will get out there; D.... not so much. We had the twins' birthday celebration at Ye Olde Chuck E Cheese today.  They had the best time!  Only one ticket counter was working, so we ended up there for an extra hour past the end of the party, but none of the kids seemed to care.  Dad, C, and Jor all left the party a little early so they make C's game. After the game, C spent the night over at Jordan's house, and us parents had a chance to unwind after a go-go-go kind of day.

(10/15) Work day for Dad, and lazy day for the rest of us.  I ended up giving in and doing a science project with J before he went to bed last night, so they didn't wake me at the crack of dawn to do more. The twins came down, made themselves breakfast, and played with all their new toys. They actually let me sleep in a little!  The big boys wandered back around mid-morning and they all played video games together.  This evening, C & I got to go see Aladdin at the Paramount.  It was really well done, and we both enjoyed it!

(10/16) Work day for Dad & me. C had practice after school, so the twins and I got to hang out and watch Angry Birds together.  Nice way to end the day.

(10/17) Work day for Dad & me, and Nanan grabbed the boys after school. She left soon after Dad got here, so we didn't get to visit this time.

(10/18) I volunteered in the twins' classrooms today.  D has been trying to show us this one dance pretty much since school started. I was able to see and do it today, so now I know.  Super cute!  His teacher does kids' Zumba with them when she feels they need a brain break, and need to be active.  Later I got to play in the dramatic play center in J's class.  One of his classmates drew this cute picture of me.  Striking resemblance, no?

J's monster is the orange circle
Uncanny resemblance!
(10/19) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  He took the whole gang in for C's eye exam.  C really wants contacts, but has to show that he can put them in and remove them before they'll send him home with them.  We'll have to go back and try again. When I got home, I took the crazy herd to the gym with me to let them run off some of their sillies.  It didn't work, but it was worth a shot!

(10/20) Work day for me, and Dad had the kiddos today. C had a friend over after school, but developed a cough today, and was just wiped out in general.  We decided against a sleepover tonight, but did have the kids pile on the couch and watch It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

(10/21) Caught a walk in the rain with Sarah & Laura this morning.  We swam to coffee and then walked down and around the lake.  Dad took the twins to hockey practice, and I took the C-Monster in to see if he could get the contacts to work this time.  Suffice to say, that was a half hour of frustration for C.  We stopped for lunch, and then ran home to meet the grands for pumpkin carving.  We decided against going to a patch since the weather said 95% chance of rain, and went to the grocery store for pumpkins instead.  We carved, and the kids did up cute pumpkins!  C had a game this evening, which he wasn't feeling particularly great for, and thus didn't play so great.

(10/22) We had my niece & nephew's donut themed birthday party today, and then went to a Tips' game this evening.  The boys were sugared waaaaaay up today.  We had a fun time hangin' and playing up at Jake & Amber's. The Tips game was fun, but the officiating was again terrible, so we ended up losing.

(10/23) Happy Monday!  Work day for Dad & me, and the kids are off early all week for conferences.

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