Friday, October 6, 2017

The Game of Life

J: Do we have school again today?
Me: Yep. Every day.
J: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I don't want school today!!

Playing video games ~
C: Do you even drift, bro?

Playing Life ~
Me: You're getting married, do you want a blue peg or a pink one?
J: I want blue!

D dumps over his car ~ 
D: Where is my car?
Me: I put it away because you dumped it out and it's time for bed.
Me: Because you killed yourself & your husband!

C after I landed on twins ~
C: But where am I?
And after I landed on "You're having a boy!"
C: There I am! Finally 

D: My thought bubble says I'm really worried because I have to cut this bush down, and I don't want to.

J chasing Jimmy ~
J: LOVE MEEEEE! *as he bonks right into the wall*

C: I don't have to pay for summer school because I don't have kids. HA!

C: I'm definitely going the family path because I don't even have kids yet.

J and C were playing Connect 4 and J won a round ~ 
J: When I was in the bathroom, I thought of a strategy!

Me: What do you want for breakfast? 
D: Waffles and gummies! 
Me: We're not having gummies for breakfast. 
Me: Sorry dude, gummies are not breakfast food.

D: I'm going to go play video games while you do my work.
Me: That's not the way this works, bud.

J: I'm the boss of D.
Me: You're not the boss of D.
J: I'm taller than D & who's tallest is the boss.
Me: Well, I'm taller than you, so I'm the boss of you *and* D.

(9/25) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys today.  C woke up feeling horrible, so I let him stay home and be one with the couch today.  Poor bubs, I hope he's feeling better soon!

J: These are my party hands. PARTY!!!
(9/26) Work day for Dad & me, and school for the boys. Dad ended up coming home to stay with C so I could run in to work for all of my meetings. I had book club with my work peeps afterward, which I still got to attend. We sure picked a strange book... (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle) but the wine was good.

(9/27) Day off for me, work for Dad, & school for the boys.  I walked allll over today.  I walked the boys to school, walked home and picked up all the trash I could find on my way (the things I do for photos), went to the gym for Zumba, walked to pick up the kids from school.  I loved all that time in the sunshine!  C had hockey this evening, and there was a parent meeting afterward.  While Dad and C were at that, the twins and I drew pictures and got to hang out.

(9/28) Work day for me, school for the boys, and Dad had the day off today. I had the kids help me with my photo prompt tonight which was dessert.  I brought home a whip cream bottle and they blew through most of it while I clicked away.  We played Life this evening when Dad went to a fantasy hockey draft. Of course I landed on twins!

(9/29) Work day for me, school for the boys, and Dad had the day off.  It's been a long week, and I was glad to put my feet up at the end of it and watch some TV with the fam.

(9/30) Sarah and I walked to Zumba this morning and got there a half hour after it started because of a launch we didn't know about.  Harrumph. We didn't even think to check the schedule.  But we made up for it and walked the long way back home, and we managed to get in before the rain.  J lost his first tooth at lunch today! He bit down hard on his bagel and out it came. Tooth fairy time! C went to a hockey practice tonight to make up for missing two practices when he was sick.  He played well, and they scrimmaged, which is always more enjoyable than the actual practicing bit for C. Movie night tonight: Captain Underpants.  Total win with the boy crowd.

(10/1) I was home with the boys today, and Dad had to work. J came in this morning all excited about the money from the tooth fairy, and told me how I should lose a tooth, and then put it in the big tooth (container), and put it under my pillow, and wake up to get money.  It was super cute.  I was a horribly mean mom this afternoon and made the children GO OUTSIDE.  C sulkily lay down on the stairs of the play equipment and proclaimed that he was at least outside.

(10/2) Work from home day for me, work at work for Dad & me, and school for the boys.  I took advantage of C being at school to tackle his room on my lunch break and got a lot done.  I told him to not expect me to clean it in the future, but I wanted it clean to my specs today, so I went ahead and did it.  C had hockey this evening after school, and I finished cleaning the entire house since I was already on a roll.

(10/3) Work day for Dad & me and school for the boys. Nanan picked the boys up from school and then joined us for dinner. After dinner, Nanan and I went shopping for some new shoes for her and we got back after the kiddos went to bed.

(10/4) Day off for me, school for the boys, and work for Dad.  I walked the kiddos to school and came home for an appointment.  After that, I bummed around til it was time for the afternoon madness that is grabbing the kids from school, getting to C's appointment, then bringing him home so he could run off to hockey with Dad.  WEEEEEEEEEE!  D was thrilled because I made his favorite dinner tonight: tortellini.

(10/5) Work day for me, school for the kiddos, and day off for Dad.  He had a lot of fun playing with cars today (running one in for service and junk yarding).  The boys were bananas this evening, so I took us all to the gym. Cuz why not share? D lost his first tooth tonight--he was brushing his teeth, stopped, and said "I think I lost my tooth."  Luckily we found it on the floor.

(10/6) Work day for me, and Dad has the kiddos.  C has Lego club after school, and that should be fun. We have a busy weekend of hockey on tap with C's first game of the season.  Go Eagles!

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